Well, I have my Tetris 'remix' uploaded, I'll be putting it into my game:
EDIT: I also uploaded a smaller version somewhere on themusiclib.<a href="http://64digits.com/users/HeroofTime55/techtris.zip" target="blank">Download Techtris</a><a href="http://themusiclib.com/index.php?act=archive&id=68">… Or listen online at musiclib!</a>Tell me what you think of it :DNow all I need is for JakeX to set up the online scoreboard, and I'm set.Anyhow, after that update, I'll be figuring out how to do online multiplayer, and I might have a 'remix' of the Tetris B theme to add in with Tetris A (what I've got right now).BTW, sorry for the file size, I'm at school right now so I can't convert it to mp3.EDIT: The musiclib vewrsion is much smaller
0.0 16 megs.
Downloadinghaha I thought it was a game, so I was like "wtf, a wav file?"
But… it was good! =DDownloading……
jakeX won't ever do it…
The hope is, if I keep pestering him, he will :P
u get to use gm in school??
No, I wish.
I was expecting more than one comment on my song (excluding "Downloading"…)