My school might block 64Digits now >:(

Posted by HeroofTime55 on Nov. 2, 2006, 4:50 p.m.

After school, before gaming club started (board games), me and my "friend" decided to go on the school computers for 15 minutes. So I tell him "Check out this site,," and he says "Yeah, but I'd rather play games," and so he goes to a flash game site. The librarian catches him, tells him he's not allowed to play games, and he closes the window. The librarian then asks him for the web address so that she can block it. And so he types in "" I tried my best to explain that this was NOT a flash game site, it's not one of those games sites, it's a site for programmers, and therefore has educational content. So, she asks him to write down the url on a slip of paper after he was very forcefull about not typing the site in the browser (he was just quiet), and so he wrote down addictinggames, which is already blocked by the school filter. I'd imagine that the tech guys won't be pleased with that, and if the librarian remembers 64digits, she won't even bother to check it out, the link labeled "games" will probably make this an instant addition to the banned list, 'cause they can't be bothered to look at what this site really is (programmers). So, in that case, I'm screwed. I come here every day in my free time at school, and it serves as my file host for school projects when I need it. I will be so freaking pissed if it gets blocked >:( I have no other good host >:( and, since I can't burn CDs on school comps, I won't be able to transfer anything, which means all my files, including new music I make, will be gone when they wipe the hard drives. GAH!


Patrick7286 18 years, 4 months ago

Tell that stupid librarian to unblock it or you're going to stab her to death.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 4 months ago

Great idea!