A new sound engine idea

Posted by HomerTheDragoon on Feb. 1, 2007, 5:39 p.m.

Alright, I've been thinking for about it over a couple days and heres my idea to create a more realistic sound engine. However there would be some lag issues. Anyways here goes nothing.

Basically for any environment sound(lets say explosion, or maybe even though this doesn't relate to gm if you were to talk into a mic it would run through this sound idea that i have) and what it does is create a bunch of little particles that are invisible. They bounce around and get to different areas, if your a certain distance away from them, relatively close though. They play the sound. The longer the are "alive" they more faded the volume of the sound thats suppose to play is. Basically it might add a more realistic sound engine. I understand that sound is emitted in waves and not particles.

Some benefits I can think that would be gained from this would be more realistic, For example, lets say your in a building, and a some shouts down a hallway. The particles would bounce down and around the hallway for anyone to hear. Its kind of hard to explain but I just thought I'd share the idea with people.

Also I've started a script compilation for game maker. I need ideas to work with. Heres what i have so far.

Scripts included:
    General Scripts
  • scr_mouse_check-Checks a rectangle area if the mouse is there. Useful for multiple click spots on one object.
  • scr_destroy - Just a shortcut to with instance instance_destroy();
  • scr_draw_self - Another Shortcut, draws all of the values of the object.
  • scr_follow - *requested* Shortcut for a top down view to have an object follow another with any set distance/speed.
  • Platform Scripts:
  • scr_invisble_block - Allows you to fall through it when invisible, however if hit from below it is revealed and acts like a normal block.
  • scr_breakable - Jump from below and it gets destroyed(the block).
  • scr_vertical_pf - Moving Vertical Platform script. Use in step event.
  • scr_horizontal_pf - Moving Horizontal Platform script. Use in step event.
  • scr_jumpon - Allows you to jump on an enemy and destroy it, propelling you into the air.
  • scr_jumpthrough - Allows for a multi instance jumpthrough platform. Meaning can be jumpthrough to many different objects.
  • scr_move - Core movement for a platformer engine, it can go up/down slopes. Multiple arguments for it as well.(Non-momentum influenced.)

Soon ill start an rpg inventory set of scripts, but I don't really want to do that atm. Any suggestions would be apreciated.


flashback 18 years ago

You mean, positional sound, but with a horribly inefficient system?

Graydon 18 years ago

You need a better system.

HomerTheDragoon 18 years ago

it was just an idea :P Not using it for any games.

Kaz 18 years ago

and what it does is create a bunch of little particles that are invisible. They bounce around and get to different areas, if your a certain distance away from them, relatively close though. They play the sound. The longer the are "alive" they more faded the volume of the sound thats suppose to play is.
OR you could use point_distance and sound_volume.

HomerTheDragoon 18 years ago

I know that… But I just thought i might produce different results then just a simple radius.

s 18 years ago

If you do a quick A* path check, get distance and assign an alarm, its much quicker. You could do an extra step of making it quieter even more every time it turns.