Weekend's Blog of Mine

Posted by IAmMe on Feb. 4, 2007, 12:18 p.m.

What did i did on weekend? Well not much. I completely finished thinking about my simple game gameplay. And i didn't do anything about The World of X-O game, because i thought i will practice with this simple game first. Now i have double speed diagonal movement bug, but i finished the AI, though the game is unpolished and looks quite bad. I will reveal a bit of gameplay here, but not the scenario (because it's just for fun in this game) :

The game title should Geometric Wars or Caught! Please comment what title sounds better to you. So the gameplay is:

You can choose between triangles and squares. (they're at war btw) Then you get into a small room where is enemy (triangle or square) units. That's outposts, the tracker (he tracks your movements and follows), guards (randomly moving units) and you need to avoid them particular time period. There also will be highscores for something to seek more. Write what do you think here. Thanks for reading my weekend's blog.


Graydon 18 years ago

How long have you been using gamemaker.

IAmMe 18 years ago

I have gamemaker about a year. I did some game following the tutorials but then i got a HTML programming book and started working with gamemaker again last 2 weeks. Unfortunately, i forgot some things.

Graydon 18 years ago

You should use it more regularly to get good at it.

IAmMe 18 years ago

How do you know i'm bad? lol

Alert Games 18 years ago

I am me

But you didn't say it was you. If you would say it was you instead of "I'm me" then I would know it was you.

That's because I'm me

And thus ends the pronoun club. Same time next week everybody!

frenchcon1 18 years ago

i cant think of any more wayz to confuse myself.


IAmMe 18 years ago

Too bad. :D