New name, skating, how to deal with spammers part 2

Posted by IdiotProof on April 26, 2008, 10:10 p.m.

Around a week ago I requested for a new name, I logged in today to find it different. sn0wb0arder381 was pretty old, I hardly use that username anymore.

Heres the second installment in annoying the hell out of GMC spammers.

Spam them even more. I was trying to figure out another way to annoy the hell out of spammers today, when I came across

[a way to get myself banned if I post this link again]

The site is simple. You enter an email, pick which types of spam to send them:

-Viagra, Cialis, Etc.

-Nigerian Money Laundering

-Gay Pornography

-Hardcore Pornography


-Computer Software Offers


-Work-at-home Scams

-Mortgage Loans

-Free Computer Products

-Free General Products

-Fake Paypal Account Scam

-Fake Ebay Account Scam

This will, of course, sign them up for a shitload of spam, which is well deserved.

Another way is to sign them up for weird websites. Strange porno sites, the Church of Scientology's newsletter, the NAMBLA website, whatever.

If you have their email, a MailBomber will also be effective for annoying the hell out of them.

In other news, I recently started skating again.(recently being 2 months ago….I guess not so recent) I can basically only ollie, kickflip, pop shuv, "walk the dog"(freestyle kinda thing), and something called a no comply toe side 360 bubble(learned form a skating site). I can very rarely fingerflip, also. I forgot how much fun skating is, and after seeing how much I suck now, I'm pissed off I stopped.

3227 hits


IdiotProof 16 years, 10 months ago


People are going to misuse that spam site.

Yes, yes they will.

flashback 16 years, 10 months ago

Which means you're not linking to it.

IdiotProof 16 years, 10 months ago


Which means you're not linking to it.

Lol, sorry. I don't think things through at all.

SquareWheel 16 years, 10 months ago

"How to deal with spammers"

"Send them spam"

IdiotProof 16 years, 10 months ago

"How to deal with spammers"

"Send them spam"

Cesar 16 years, 10 months ago

you didn't stop me and I spammed your last blog =o

IdiotProof 16 years, 10 months ago


you didn't stop me and I spammed your last blog =o

I thought it was funny. It just resulted in you getting into an argument with other people, so I kept it :D

Mentalpatient109 16 years, 10 months ago

Nice username.

PY 16 years, 10 months ago

If a totally incorrect one.

flashback 16 years, 10 months ago

No, he is Proof of Idiots.