New Year's Resolutions

Posted by Ikouze on Dec. 29, 2009, 7:14 a.m.

This year has been kinda…..meh so far. There's so things I wanted accomplished but haven't done so so far. Next year though, you bet your ass those things are getting accomplished.

For one, I have to get a girlfriend. This hasn't been accomplished yet this year, something I've been wanting to do for while. It's not that I'm ugly or anything, it's just….my luck. I've had bad luck with women in relationships so that's all going to change in 2010.

The next thing is, play more games. Most of my friends are on Xbox Live and not PSN so I can't play with them. Now that a have a 360, that's a different story. I'm already kicking ass and taking names in Halo 3, so if any one wants a challenge, call on me.

Next thing is get a new cellphone. My crappy phone isn't doing anything for me. I've had it for about 3 years and it's finally going out on me….I'm afarid to get T-Mobile because of the service. It's really bad in my opioion. But that's my opion. But still, I'm gonna get some new phone in the year 2010.

Oh and I'm gonna get a prom date too this year, forgot about that. Don't like taking chicks to dances well, because I worry too much. But all that's going to change this year. I'm gonna get a girl, an asian girl most likely. There's Korean girl I've been checking out. I'm gonna ask her. If she says no, I'm going by my self.

That's really all I wanted to accomplish last year, never got around to it. Maybe in 2010, it'll be a different story. Besides, 2009 was lame anyways. I'm ready for the new year.


Ikouze 15 years, 1 month ago

Yes, I do actually. I'll tell you about it when we get back to school.

Cesque 15 years, 1 month ago

You should have started with the cellphone and ended with the girlfriend, it'd be easier in that order. :)