A New Banner, Extreme Pong, and Some Random Thought

Posted by Infinity_Plus on July 29, 2010, 11:19 a.m.

I don't have much available to me, aside from the wonderful tools the internet can provide, so I've spent a whopping six minutes using an online tool to make a new, clean, boring banner.

Aside from my new banner, I've been tinkering with my Pong engine to make it a bit more over-the-top. As of right now, I'm working on new skins for the Pong paddles and backgrounds. Thus far, I have the Default Paddle skin, Zombie skin, Tech Skin, and Ninja skin. Powerups are slowly being implemented, but I'm more focused on making sure collisions between the ball/paddle are finished beforehand (the ball can, at times, get itself stuck on the paddle's corner edge or bottom, producing frustrating effects). Any comments or suggestions for paddle skins or anything else Ultimate Extreme Action Pong should feature is always welcome!

That aside, I've been thinking recently about game development in general. My heart has always belonged to the 2-Dimensional world (NES, Genesis, Saturn, SNES, Atari2600/5200) and to a limited degree, the opening 3D market (N64, Dreamcast). Recently, however, I find games to be stale compared to what they once were. Super Mario World, Mario Bros. 1-3, Sonic the Hedgehog, Metroid, Super Metroid, Primal Rage, Space Channel 5, Wanderers from Ys III, Defender, Donkey Kong Country 1-3, and many others challenged me far more than any game in this day and age does. That's not to say games today aren't hard, but they aren't anything near what games in the past were. I was just curious about anyone else's opinion on this. :D



KaBob799 14 years, 6 months ago

How about an "invisible skin" so you have to guess where it is =p Unless that's what the ninja skin is =p

Infinity_Plus 14 years, 6 months ago

The Ninja Skin is black with a single white strip, which could be almost invisible, depending on the background you're using :)

Zarniwooop 14 years, 6 months ago

A skin skin?

Juju 14 years, 6 months ago

Haha, very good Zarniwoop.

KaBob799 14 years, 6 months ago

Cheese skin! How could I forget to mention that o.o

Mordi 14 years, 6 months ago

"I was just curious about anyone else's opinion on this."

It's all in your head. <– That's basically my opinion on that. I think children gaming today have comparable experiences as we did when we were that age.

Zarniwooop 14 years, 6 months ago

How about a 64D skin? Also, the text "made with mybanner blah blah blah…" makes yor banner look pretty cheap. I would make my own if I were you. It's not that hard ;)

Infinity_Plus 14 years, 6 months ago

@KaBob: I find a Cheese skin oddly necessary. I'll have to give it a try. :)

@Mordi: I have retained all the consoles I've had throughout the years, and still find games like Road Runner's Death Valley Rally insanely difficult. That being said, I can't say that playing Lost Planet 2 on Extreme Mode with Friendly Fire activated wasn't challenging.

I could also see the growing technology making games, maybe not easier, but more bearable. Comparing playing Perfect Dark on the N64 and on the Xbox360 Arcade, the controls feel a bit more fluid on the Xbox 360, whereas on the N64 it could be a pain in the ass to get a good shot in, because of the limited availability in movement and aiming combinations.

F1ak3r 14 years, 6 months ago

Extreme Pong, eh? You need explosions. Maybe in the background. Or when the ball hits the paddle. Also, a heavy metal soundtrack. YEAH.

Games these days cost a lot more to make, but still sell for similar prices. Therefore, they need sell way more copies to break even. And so they need to be accessible - easy(ish), familiar, and generally more closely related to summer blockbusters than any kind of niche films.

But not to worry, there are plenty of challenging 2D games out there on the Net. Spelunky, I Wanna Be The Guy, and La Mulana, just to name a few platformers.