I need a new banner

Posted by Infinity_Plus on Oct. 28, 2010, 2:46 p.m.

The remainder of my blog will have nothing to do with the title, although the title is true. So if anyone has any artistic talent or wants to help a fellow 64D Member out, I'm always willing to open my banner up to endorsing games or displaying a fellow member's work (Provided it has my name on it somewhere).

I've been tired a lot more often, recently. Work has become droll and I even had the excitement of catching a cold yesterday!

If nobody noticed, I inverted my avatar for Halloween. FEEL ITS WRATH!

I remain bored. I've finished all of the moving involved in getting to my new house, now we're just working on finishing all our painting and whatnot. Because of this, Ultimate Extreme Action Pong hasn't seen much work, Alexia the Rabbit hasn't seen much concept, and my own writing has been hindered (although you can read an excerpt from my work on a previous blog of mine *hint*).

I did, however, get a new computer desk from an oil company that was going to throw it out (its still in mint condition, but they got new ones). The damn thing is awesome! It raises and lowers and has enough space for two of my computers on it! WIN!

Otherwise, I'm just curious how everyone is doing. YOU SHALL RESPOND! I love you guys :)

EDIT: Also, I recently went to Paranormal Activity 2. It was way better than the first one, in my opinion.


BP Scraps 14 years, 3 months ago

No, a new banner is not what you need… YOU NEED A HALLOWEEN AVATAR!

Wow I'm obnoxious.

Infinity_Plus 14 years, 3 months ago

I've been considering installing GM8 on my work laptop…it gets so slow here, it'd give me time to develop some games lol