Emily? Uh...

Posted by Inky on Dec. 22, 2007, 8:34 p.m.

Following the title trend. :p



Yes, I know this will most likely be removed from the "Latest Blogs" thinger if I don't put something of interest in it, so I suppose I must. :p

Item of Interest!

So I've broken my personal vow and returned to the pixelating community. I won't say I'm the best at it, but I've still got a few tricks up my sleeve. I've gone back to making "dream patches" for a virtual RPG world that I have been a part of for over 10 years now(I will not be naming this 'game,' as it is HIGHLY addicting, and frankly, I don't want to poison my precious world any further with the likes of …well, y'all know who I mean). I am, however, sticking to my principles in that I WILL NOT be taking on any more large commissions EVER again. =3

Now, on to fun schtuff! =D

I just want to start off by thanking you all. You've made me feel so welcome here. I really have to admit that I've grown rather attached to the 64d community as a whole. The n00bs are minimal, but they're still there. That's important. If you've ever read "Brave New World," you should remember how they were always talking about how Epsilons were just as important as Alphas. It's just the same way here. Clearly, I am an Alpha, as I am the definition of "perfect," and I NEED Epsilons! I mean, seriously. If there weren't n00bs, who would I bash? How in the world could there be Epic Pwnage to entertain you if there were nobody to pwn? Then, beyond 64d having JUST the right amount of n00bs, the rest of the members are all capable of holding intelligent conversation! I couldn't have asked for more! I'm surrounded by intellectuals who appreciate my epic perfection and a few pwnable pipsqueaks! I love it. It's like the n00bs are the finger sandwiches at a classy party. ;)

And now, for a few choice lines that should not be forgotten. =3

Aaaand finally, most of the following conversation was a misunderstanding, and the girl I'm pwning is actually kind of a friend of mine now, but I can't resist letting you guys see the conversation, just because the amount of epic pwnage in it will simply blow your fucking minds! =D


Listen, sweety. I've heard many things about you…none of them good.

I really don't care how you present yourself to others or how you act. Be yourself. I don't care.

I DO care, however, if you are being yourself all over my boyfriend. I do NOT appreciate hearing that you spent about 10 minutes pinning my boyfriend to the floor at Brandon's party, nor do I appreciate hearing that you were all over him. I just feel it important to give you fair warning that if you continue to go around basically throwing yourself on other girls' boyfriends, you're going to get slapped. This is not a threat. It's a fact. Watch yourself, hon.

The person I'm talking to (only not really, because her friend actually sent this reply):

Uhm, LISTEN sweetie. I dont care how YOU feel. Your boyfriend was all over EVERY one. I will do what I WANT when I WANT to. And your not gonna stop me. So unless your gonna say something to my FACE dont try to act like you go hard on the internet. HON.

My EPIC reply:

Oh, I don't intend to stop you, doll. Why waste my time trying to stop a dog being a dog? It's not exactly possible, is it? Though it is possible to train a dog. Now, I CERTAINLY don't intend to attempt to train you, for that would require getting near you, and frankly, I don't want your diseases.

And I never attempted to act as though I "go hard" in any way. Quite the opposite, in fact. I don't "go hard" at all. I'm perfectly happy letting others do my dirty work if dirty work absolutely necessary. I don't want to get myself all excited. But no worries. You certainly don't warrant the effort of brute force. I know full well that you will be slapped across the face many many times in the years to come, so I really don't see why I should have to touch you. It will be taken care of eventually.

All I wanted to do was to let you know that I don't appreciate you touching my boyfriend. It's just so inconvenient to have to make sure he didn't contract anything nasty before I can come near him again.

In other words, just don't touch my boyfriend again. It's such a pain to have to disinfect him. Mkay, pumpkin? ;)


Inky 17 years, 2 months ago

XD fun shit

LunchTime 17 years, 2 months ago

Oh lawd..

melee-master 17 years, 2 months ago

It's unhealthy to care about what others think of you.


I take that to the extremes.

Arcalyth 17 years, 2 months ago



frenchcon1 17 years, 2 months ago


frenchcon1 17 years, 1 month ago

Melee leik coca-cola.

frenchcon1 17 years, 1 month ago


Damnit :(

frenchcon1 17 years, 1 month ago


damnit :(

frenchcon1 17 years, 1 month ago


damnit :(

frenchcon1 17 years, 1 month ago

*pie; I mean, he sorta hijacked a car off the street, hotwired it, then drove it into a pie van with his mouth open

Damnit :(