Yes. The moment has finally come. I have to join this dumbass fad.
Now for the moment of truth…Here I am in all my glory bitches.Big ass pic ftw.Imma just let mah sexyness sink in for a moment.If you think I'm ugly FUCK YOU.I look kind of tired in this picture because I just got back from playing basketball for like 5 hours. So yeah.I don't know what I want to do for thanksgiving except eat and sleep. Anyone doing anything for National Turkey's day?EDIT:Also, here's my bitch ass cat :3I want a puppy nao, because my cat is a pussy.(You see what I did thar?)DISCUSS.
Yeah, he's pretty gay.
Can't wait till Thanksgiving tommorow. It shall be endless hordes of food to devour.
^_^Still dunno what I'm gonna do afterwards tommorow either.=O
I always thought Arc was the only black guy on the internets. /ignorance@Jeremy
You are one sexy fellow, I'll admit it.You certainly make me look hideous in comparison. Now excuse me while I light myself on fire. Because, I can't live knowing that there is someone in the world so much more sexier than me.:C@Ronnikkies :3I thought so too. :O/Dumbassness:D
'Tis funny 'cause I don't know what the hell your talking about. :DThere was this one skit from Chris Rock's old show on thanksgiving, but I couldn't find it on youtube. So here's this:
Tha fuck am I looking at again, MMORPGguy?
It's kind of catchy though.Probably. Nah, I think I'm gonna go to sleep instead.