I just feel like writing a blog right now about mah game and stuffs.This will most likely contain Caps-lock curse words in bold font, because most of my blogs do. :D
Updates on LifeWell, on the bright side things aren't as bad as I thought they'd be. It's actually pretty fucking good.If you actually read my blogs you'd know that I've recently enrolled in cyberschool, because of random dickholes at my previous school.Cyberschool is actually pretty good, even though the site is acting pretty retarted right now. I only get 2 or 4 classes per day and they are pretty far apart. Sometimes, I even get a 3 or 4 hour break between them. The school work is pretty easy so far, so I sure as hell ain't complaining.So I get shit loads of more free time getting to do whatever I want.Game ProgressAnd with that said, I get alot more time working on my game The World's End too. :DIf you don't know what game I'm talking about, look at my previous blogs.I've started having a hell of alot more ideas for my game than I usually do, with Call of Duty-like door breaching sequences, more and better cutscenes, quick time events, more vehicular sections, a hell of a lot more polish to my game, alot more and much better dialogue, slightly better graphics, better Main menu graphics, More achievements(Which are called goals in the game), and some completely redone missions. Btw, I got all that shit done in less than a week. :DI'm also thinking about releasing a 3 missioned demo sometime this week or next week at the latest, but I want to ask you all, what do you want to see in the demo?I can only give you these choices because I don't want to reveal any spoilers.Choose 1 mission for the first category. 2 missions for the second.Here are your choices:Vehicular segments:(VOTE FOR 1 MISSION BELOW.)1) Space Ship segment(TOTAL VOTES: 2) - In this mission you are a gunner of a space ship, you clear enemies on the ground while evading enemy attacks that causes a quick slow motion sequence when you are about to be killed. It will have a zombie boss at the end of it.2) Tank Segment(TOTAL VOTES: 1) - You will get the tank toward the end of this mission but anyways you just kill everything in sight.3)Viper segment(TOTAL VOTES: 3)- You will steal an alien land vehicle(It's pretty much like a ghost from Halo.) and kill of many enemies while the game slowly transitions from night to day time. It will also have an flying alien boss at the end of it.Regular infantry based segments:(VOTE FOR 2 MISSIONS BELOW.)1) Mall Segment(TOTAL VOTES: 2) - It's is a nightime mission where your vehicle breaks down and you can't contact anyone, so you and your teammates must search a creepy Alien and Zombie infested Mall. (It ends with a COD-like door breaching segment. :D)All complete with rain and thunderstorm to set the mood. (This segment is more horror based and I strongly suggest that you choose this one. This isn't the best mission but it has the most variety and I had the most fun making it. :D)2) City segment(TOTAL VOTES: 4) - You must evacuate civilians in the city while fighting off a few of the deadliest aliens, with some military air strikes along the way. ;D3) 64Digits users segment(TOTAL VOTES: 4) - This mission will feature the users from 64Digits. They will be spec ops soldiers.(Go to THIS blog if you want to know who they are.) You will also have to run from a huge building sized alien at the end of the mission. :DI would add a few more missions to choose from but there are too many spoilers that are in them, (Like character deaths and plot twists, etc.)EDIT: I almost forgot about the mission containing the spec ops users from 64Digits. ADDED.Well, tell me your choices and most importantly:DISCUSSTL;DRI fucking hate you with a passion and I will kill you when you are in your happiest moment of your life.If you did read it.You are the coolest person in the world, .
I edited the blog's title and it takes forever to load and then it deleted all the fuckin' comments… Wow.
I was wondering why there had been no discussion on this. Anyways, I vote infantry. :DNo. You have to vote for one mission for The vehicular segment and two for the infantry segments, sorry if I was unclear. :P
EDIT: Alright, I've edited it now.Ohhh so that's what that meant.
I thought you meant type a number to indicate which group of missions we would want (i.e. 1 = vehicle, 2 = infantry) :PIn that case, I vote - Vehicle: (whichever one you pick) Infantry 1: Mall segment Infantry 2: 64digits users segmentOh, I see what you mean. :P
Okay. 1 vote for Mall segment and 1 for the 64Digits Users segment. The last, I'll choose later.XD
So we get to shotgun rain some zombieh peoples now? :D :D :DSoon, in about a week or two. I want to make sure there are absolutely NO bugs in the Demo.
Oh and also I'll give you some survival, team death match and capture the base maps too.
Yay! :D
In the meantime I suppose I can go pistolsnipe some people in Battlefieldor somethingwaitnoIhaveworkdangitMY GODDAMN BATTELFIELD BROKE. D:<
Thanks for reminding me, Colseed.TO MAKE IT EVEN SWEETER, I BOUGHT THE BATTLEFIELD EXPANSION THE DAY BEFORE IT BROKE AND I DIDN'T GET A CHANCE TO PLAY IT YET.You can't imagine the pain and agony I am suffering from right now. -_-