1. Sanctuary - By andor00
Up next, honorable mentions. :DVaria - By KairosDescent - By rotten_taterPokemon Twilight - By KaBob799Congrats to the people who have made it into the top 30 most memorable GM games of all time. These were chosen over the thousands of GM games that have been made, consider yourselves lucky.If you think a game deserves to be up here, just tell me.
Top 30 Most Memorable GM Games
Posted by JID on Feb. 24, 2011, 10:56 a.m.
TOP 30 MOST MEMORABLE GAME MAKER GAMES OF ALL TIME:30. LOLOMGWTFBBQ - By twisterghost29. Desperation - By Jabberwock28.Innoquous 3- By NAL27.Jetz Rampage 4 - By S64 Games26. Street Bike Fury - By S64 Games 25.Evolites - By FredFredrickson24.You Can't Possibly Expect Me To Do That - By Cosine23.Astatine - By Cesque 22.Ark 22 - By Srehpog21.Ad Nauseam 2 - By cactus20.Assassin Blue - By BanovG19.Mondo Medicals - By cactus18. Jumper Two - By YoMamasMama 17. Boxes - By Twenty3 16. Invasion2 - By Dark Sirrus Games(DSG)15. Halo Creator - By Killpill28 14.Rez and The Forgotten - By Rez13.Hover Tank 3D - By FredFredrickson12.Cell Burst - By Elerminite11.Planet Of The Vegetables - By Josh10.Seiklus - By cly5m(tapeworm)9.Adrenaline - By OL and Bryan8.Sapphire Tears - By Requiem7. Iji - By Ultimortal6.GoMommy: Invaders Must Die! - By no0b5. A Day In The Life Of Bob - By Polystyrene Man4.10800 Zombies - By jw3.Soldexus - By Pneophen 2.The Cleaner - By bitpimp
Oh and if you have Windows Vista or higher, download THIS to be able to play GM6 games.
@Cesque, I tried seaching up Spelunky, I can't find it on 64D or Yoyogames, do you mind trying to give me a link?
@PolyCongrats, and yes, Sanctuary deserves a bit more recognition, it was a delicious game and pretty much used everything GM has to offer .EDIT: SANCTUARY LINK IS UP. PLAY IT. :DSpelunky was made by Derek Yu, the guy who made Aquaria and Eternal Daughter. So it figures it wouldn't be on 64D or Yoyogames.
http://www.spelunkyworld.com/Ah, I remember playing this before when it was still a WIP.
Eh, I'll give it a try.*searched for his name in the list, and found no results...* :( oh well
Also, Adrenaline is by OL and Bryan. Not just Bryan.PS: I didn't expect my game being on that list, but I find it an excellent opportunity to promote my own ancient game :3I actually had it on the list for like two seconds but then I replaced it with Innoquous.
So hurray! You would be there if I made a top 50 most memorable games list.Don't ask me to make a top 50 list. >:(and I fixed the Author's for Adrenaline.Where's mah Spelunky ;_;
Et weel be deer afturr ah trye et.
And you better not be one of those people who play it for 30 seconds and say "its hard so it sux lol" >:(
its hard so it sux lol.
I am done with my list unless anyone has any more suggestions.I am going to try Spelunky now…Spelunky would definitely be in the top 50 most memorable games.
And lol, the tutorial basically told me to kill myself when I picked up the bombs.I will make it a honorable mention.