Stoopid Minecraft Adventures[Updated]

Posted by JID on Aug. 2, 2011, 3:40 a.m.

Some pics of some of my stoopid adventures in Minecraft:

This pic takes place back in Survival. I had my builders mod on, and I told Colseed(Rakaasac) that one of the builders was creepily staring at him, he didn't believe me and told me to take a pic, this is the result, the satanic cobblebuilder from hell, out for blood. D:

Me staring at Steven playing around with tamed creepers in Shepton, while he doesn't know. I'm such a super duper ultra omega badass spy.

Playing around with /mobs whee on top of my unfinished house. I lived because of kabob's ultra badass sponge helmet. I then kept bouncing off of the ground for a couple of minutes.

I then decided to bounce around all over shepton.

Night time at my beautiful, finally complete howse. :3

Pic of the front of my house.

First floor of my house.

Second floor.

Attic.(That's sir Xemic's dirty head blocking the way, btw)

A few days later, me and Moikle decided to go 'splorin, with our freerunner mod, Moikle managed to climb all the way up a tall ass tower, just to stare at me creepily through a window. He fell to his death shortly afterwards.

Trying to show how high up he was.

I managed to climb my way up to the top of another nearby building with my beautiful freerunner mod, and I was rewarded with great view.

Moikle doing summore creepy shit, standing in the distance… Watching my every move. D:

Today, me, Qwilder, Kilin and SMP(EggNog), decided to spawn Ghasts outside of Shepton…

Kilin gets lit on fire, while Qwilder tries to run, and SMP hides in the trees…

..Qwilder gets splattered and he 'splodes, then things get much, much worse…

Shortly after that I hid in a nearby cave, and Qwilder follows, but then I spawn another ghast in the cave, and he kills it with the /mobs kill command. ;_;

Which concludes our hilarious shenanigans.


Today, me and Moikle built a dungeon full of traps, it's not finished yet, but it will have treasures at the end of it.

Later on in the day, me and Qwilder went adventurin', I saw a giant zombie along the skyway. You can kinda see him in the pic. Whoever finds him, gets a dollar.

After a 10-15 minute ride on the skyway, we got to where the survival server started. :O

Showing the huge ass gap between survival and creative.

We got to Kamira's house and i see some weird lookin shit in the sky.

I used /whee to get up there, like a boss.

We then went into a tunnel under Kamira's house that led into a small cave. I spawned a Ghast yet again to try to frighten Qwilder. :D

Which ends this blog, yet again with another frightning Ghast encounter.


BP Scraps 13 years, 6 months ago

Could you actually see anything besides my nametag?

JID 13 years, 6 months ago

no :p

BP Scraps 13 years, 6 months ago

Oh okay, that's what I thought.


JID 13 years, 6 months ago


link2x101 13 years, 6 months ago

Found it. I want my dollar >:O XD

JID 13 years, 6 months ago

*hands over dollar*

colseed 13 years, 6 months ago

…so does this mean I can have a dollar too? :D

JID 13 years, 6 months ago

no. now, shoo. >:U

colseed 13 years, 6 months ago


*goes to bed hungry*

BP Scraps 13 years, 6 months ago

Why do our interactions always end with frightening Ghast encounters ;_;

Also don't forget about the "Hell Yeah" I made in the Skylands wool reserve for no apparent reason whatsoever: