F4D Game Progress

Posted by JID on Dec. 21, 2011, 8:04 a.m.

this is how the game will look, though some of that isnt final.

we've got the engine pretty much nailed down, we have the story nailed down, and we've got a decent soundtrack.

just gotta add AI, colseed has to finish making the graphics and i have to finish making the actual game.

to give you an idea how the game will be, it'll be a horror game based in the 1950's, and since the main character is a detective, you'll use your detective skills to find out what happened to your hometown of Hollowshire and where your family is. also, it shall contain slow motion effects.

that's all i wanted to share.

crunch tiem


JID 13 years, 2 months ago

i'm gonna search around a bit more before i do that. :p