What do you believe?

Posted by JID on Dec. 23, 2011, 10:25 p.m.

with Christmas coming up, it'd be cool to talk about things considering religion and your position on all that. i've always been kind of interested in what people believe, because sometimes, they say some pretty interesting and deep things that make you think.

when answering, think of some of these questions to get you started:

do you believe in god or some form of deity and do you believe they exist? why or why not.

how do you believe mankind originated?

do you believe we will ever find out how and where mankind originated with undeniable or at least somewhat creditible evidence?

what do you think of all these other planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc. and do you believe we will ever find life out there?

i am very interested in knowing what you guys think.

now, hopefully, no one will make this get out of hand, but just in case, don't post anything that is purposely offensive to others. try to keep it reasonable and please, try to keep an open mind about this.

edit: i don't think I've mentioned my religion and all that stuff i believe in.

i am christian, so yeah, i believe in god. :p

but i'm not the type of christian who forces their beliefs all over you, and judge and insult you and you're religion, if you don't believe what i do.


Cesque 13 years, 2 months ago

What the hell did I do.

Baaasically, you're sitting there, stalking 64digits while not posting anything, then someone posts a thread about religion, so you rush in and act like a whiteknight of sorts by posting spam comments and because the website has no moderation to speak of and relies on users to sort things out between themselves, you successfully derail the blog entry into random bull, while it should have properly and rightfully derail into a flame war in accordance with the Laws of Internet Religious Debate.

On second thought, that might have been just my first impression, so I'll just shut up about it, because I haven't really looked at all of the topic. Pardon my rage.

So, as for the topic:

I don't generally believe in God the way he/she is usually defined, and definitely not the Abrahamic God of Judaism/Christianity/Islam. There's a ton of reasons for that, but basically, if I had never heard about the concept of God, I would have absolutely no reason to live my life as it that concept existed, apart from perhaps answers to some philosophical questions, the answers to which are already nicely investigated in some scientific theories.

I see evolution as one of the most important scientific breakthroughs of my otherwise not-so-wonderful species and creationism (in the 21st century) as outright ridiculous.

I don't generally mind religious people and I would very much like to judge people's actions and words without regard for whether they're related to their religion or not. If someone helps other people because they believe in some place they go to after they die, they're a nice person, if someone flies planes into towers because they believe in some place they go to after they die, they're a dick. Unfortunately, most religious authorities insist on making that very hard for me by trying to associate themselves with everything their followers do.

And finally, if there's life on some other planets, I damn well hope it's not religious. Imagine being invaded by an alien species for which the existence of humans poses a theological problem. See the fate of most Native Americans tribes for a small-scale reference of how that may turn out.

Quote: Kilin
I don't understand how someone can deny evolution, but it's also hard for me to deny some form of creation. The big bang theory, for example. Well if that's when everything suddenly existed, how was it set off? And even if there is a god, how did he and his predecessors begin? It's hard to wrap my mind around infinity, so I don't try.

Oh yeah, I also wish people stopped combining the theory of evolution - which is basically a theory about changes in population of organisms due to natural selection - with theories on the origin of life/Universe. Though you probably know the difference.

Quote: JID
also, i'd like to mention the library of alexandria, I had heard that it contained important documents that explained the origins of mankind, but it was burned down due to Julius Caeser being an ass.

Wasn't it later burned down by Christians? I may be confusing it with some other Alexandrian library, and I don't think the film "Agora" is historically accurate to use as a source. Sheesh, my historical knowledge and googling skills suck these days :(

Quote: JID
and she sees the room get incredibly foggy and everything in the room became shades of red, then she'd get paralyzed, not able to move, and she could feel these hooded beings crowd around the side of our bed, and since she was paralyzed she couldn't turn her head to get a good look at these things. so she could hear these things talking really weird in some creepy demonic-sounding language.

Sleep paralysis much?

Also, "speaking in tongues" - one of the core beliefs of American Christianity - is most likely a mistranslation. Or at least, the Catholic Church interprets the exact same passage as "being able to speak in (foreign) languages", i.e. spreading the word of Christ to foreigners, and the concept of "Tongues" as some sort of divine gibberish doesn't exist over here.

And finally, I don't really like relying on personal experience as an argument for anything. I mean, one day I was working on my thesis, then fell asleep, and after waking up, I had a sudden epiphany about one of the most important mistakes I made. Based on that and many similar experiences, I guess I should worship Morpheus? (the God of dreams, not Laurence Fishburne)

P.S. Sorry to sound Dawkins, but why are there no miracles involving someone growing back a leg or at least a finger? Basically, every time some ailment gets healed, it's always something internal whose source can't be directly located. Besides, the amount of people healed by prayer versus people not healed by prayer probably make God a very picky bastard.

Quote: blackhole
We have craploads of credible evidence already including new discoveries that are slowly filling in the holes in the fossil record.

To be fair, and this is not directed at you in any way, I wish more people focused less on evolution as a form of history and more on the actual implications natural selection has for existing life: the basic setup for every fundamental aspect of your organism: body shape, sexuality, cognition and ethics is there because your ancestors with those features were more success at surviving and reproducing than your ancestors who didn't (and thus died).

Natural selection also explains why certain combinations of features exist in nature, while others don't. It would be perfectly possible - in theory - to have intelligent organisms which feed on nothing but sunlight. But natural selection rules it out, since intelligence evolves from the need of social interaction or predation, and there's no reason for organisms which use sun as the source of energy (i.e. plants) to develop those.

Cesque 13 years, 2 months ago

Fine. Peace, bro :)

Cesque 13 years, 2 months ago

And we'll always be together, right, dad?

Cesque 13 years, 2 months ago

Did you just play the Bible card against my Lion King card? :|

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

Sleep paralysis much?

Also, "speaking in tongues" - one of the core beliefs of American Christianity - is most likely a mistranslation. Or at least, the Catholic Church interprets the exact same passage as "being able to speak in (foreign) languages", i.e. spreading the word of Christ to foreigners, and the concept of "Tongues" as some sort of divine gibberish doesn't exist over here.


now explain the rest of the shit i wrote.

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

oh, and explain the ones where people were awoke at mid-day and seeing the peices of shit wandering around, specifically.

Juju 13 years, 2 months ago

It's weird how this style of moderation works pretty well, isn't it?

JID 13 years, 2 months ago

oh, and the library of alexandria was burned down multiple times, by different people. and it collapsed due to an earthquake or some shit.

MMOnologueguy 13 years, 2 months ago


MMOnologueguy 13 years, 2 months ago

your church needs to stop spiking the holy water with diphenhydramine