Bring back the fans page!

Posted by JID on Feb. 10, 2012, 9:26 a.m.

Pretty please?

I re-discovered it while using the waybackmachine website

It was a really useful feature, I hate it when someone adds me and I don't know who it was, so I have to track them down.

The page is still on the site, so it shouldn't be too hard. Here's the page in V3:

Anyone mind reviving this page?


JID 13 years ago

Oh, wow

Alert Games 13 years ago

The list isnt up-to-date either :o.

I dont really mind if its there or not. This is a place to blog about video-game relevant stuff, and other things that we like. Would be cool to have, but either way is fine for me.

LAR Games 13 years ago

Huh, I had more than I thought I would.

JID 13 years ago

Or it could just have it so, when someone gets added, an automated PM gets sent to the person saying they've been added by *insert username here*.

JID 13 years ago

^Actually, I think this might be the best thing to do.

I think the current layout of the user pages on 64D are perfect right now, and a link under usernames saying "view fans" would look odd.

Users getting PM'd when they get added as a friend by someone would be the perfect solution.

leemcd56 13 years ago

I've taken both suggestions into account and fixed the page, as well as implemented the "PM user on favorite". Let me know if it does or does not work!

JID 13 years ago

Cyrus, I'm gonna test out the PM thingy, by removing, then adding you again.

Tell us if it works.

JID 13 years ago

Nvm, someone tested it out with me.

It says I have one PM in my inbox, but when I go to check it out, there's nothing there. :(

leemcd56 13 years ago

Try it now. I had to add the folder to the query as well as the time sent.

JID 13 years ago

Yeah, just got it. It works now.

But it's still saying I have one unread PM, from the previous one. lol

Is it ever gonna disappear? D: