How have I not seen this?

Posted by JID on Dec. 24, 2012, 5:04 a.m.

Pendelton Ward(That dude who made Adventure Time), has made a new webseries. Haven't heard anything about this until about a half hour ago.

first ep:

not much content for now, but they should really bring this to Adult Swim.

Also, Merry Almost-Christmas everyone!


Turns out christmas was complete shit for everyone in my family this year. I tried looking for a job. didn't work out.

I've also been taking a few MIT programming courses during my absence, learned some useful Java stuff, that I'm pretty sure I've already forgotten, because I haven't done any of the lessons in a while, should get back into them, it was actually very fun. I was very surprised how similar it was to GML, so I picked up on it extremely fast.

As for my PC problem, it's kind of fixed, I guess. I use the word fixed loosely. I can't save shit on it because, well I dunno why. As soon as I turn off my PC, it erases everything that's been saved. My dad installed Ubuntu on it with a USB, which turns out to be complete shit.

My hard drive is dead, so I'll need a new one. I thought I lost everything, but I was able to save a ton of my games, because of some old CD with all my games like TWE backed up one it. Thing is, it's from January of 2010, I believe. Or was it 2011? lol I forget.

I also found a beta of TWE stored on I believe, but with that, It's the public alpha, which I deleted all the story missions and music to make a smaller filesize.

I just read my inbox, and it turns out Taizen was trying to give me the prize money for the S4D comp. Sorry, man. Hopefully, this blog will explain my absence. AND HOPEFULLY YOU DIDN'T SPEND THE PRIZE MONEY ALREADY. >:(

In other, less depressing news. Bioshock Infinite looks amazing and hopefully it doesn't get delayed again. My interest multiplied by a kajillion when Ken Levine said "The ending will be unlike anything you've ever experienced in a videogame before".

I will be the judge of that, hopefully it doesn't disappoint.


Shit happened.


JID 12 years ago


Eva unit-01 12 years ago

So far the best ending(s) in any game I've ever played have been in Spec Ops, and my interest for Infinite has faded A LOT since I've been anticipating it forever.

Also my external 1tb HD crashed recently for the second time, haha. Stricken by the click of death. I wonder if it'll revive itself again somehow…

Anyways, glad you didn't lose TWE completely er, I think, maybe.

JID 12 years ago

lol, yeah. I have two versions of it.

One that's extremely old, with both the campaign and "multiplayer" I guess you would call it, where you kill bots.

And I have a newer one with the campaign completely deleted and a lot of the music files deleted. On the plus side, it's the version with the pretty flamethrower particle effects.

I dunno which I should work off of. The one with everything still intact, just extremely old. Or the new one with the pretty flamethrower. Just so hard to do. >:(

I was going to start from scratch and make an entirely new, probably much better game, with a new protagonist. But it'll be a lot of work. I'll still re-use some code used in TWE and some from Fort Exile, to make it. It would save a lot of time.

Or I could stick with the old TWE and be stuck with remaking over 500 shitty looking sprites and trying to sort through over 5,000 lines or ridiculously messy coding.

Decisions, decisions.

Also, have you seen some of the new trailers for Bioshock Infinite? They look amazing.

Maybe I'm just hyped up for it because I've played a lot of Bioshock 1 and 2 lately.

JuurianChi 12 years ago

In other, less depressing news. Bioshock Infinite looks amazing and hopefully it doesn't get delayed again. My interest multiplied by a kajillion when Ken Levine said "The ending will be unlike anything you've ever experienced in a videogame before".

I've seen "all" video games in existence.

He is either lying, or referring to a small group of dumb ignorant people.

That said, I will also be judging this game that always seems to flood my inbox every time they send off a press release.

JID 12 years ago

Well, hopefully it doesn't disappoint me, like every other ambitious AAA game that has come out the past few years.

But I seriously doubt you've seen every game in existence. Especially with things like the internet nowadays.

Kamira 12 years ago

JID! I haven't seen you in a while. Infinite looks good, but I don't think I'll like it as much as the first two.

JID 12 years ago

Kamira! I haven't seen you in a while either.

yeah, when a game makes drastic changes like Bioshock Infinite, I can't help but to feel skeptical. Hopefully, it'll be good.

I'm not liking the sell out kind of way they are advertising the game though, with the inception-style giant robot farts going on in the trailers, the game cover and how they've limited the amount of weapons you can carry to two. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be an extremely dumbed down sequel to appeal to the masses. But it does look pretty good from what I've seen so far.

Eva unit-01 12 years ago

Meh, only games I'm looking forward to getting are DMC, Crysis 3, GoW: Judgment, and Dead Space 3. Bioshock might sway my interest if it's any good. I mean for all the time it's been announced, it damn well better be good. BETTER than good.

Edit: Maybe Colonial Marines too… Maybe.

JuurianChi 12 years ago

an extremely dumbed down sequel to appeal to the masses.
Still nursing that wound from the Alan wake sequel I see?


Has anyone on this site played Law and Order:Legacies?

Rez 12 years ago

Edit: Maybe Colonial Marines too… Maybe.

If I cross my fingers any harder for that game they'll break.

No love for The Last of Us and GTAV?