
Posted by JID on April 30, 2013, 5:58 a.m.

I've temporarily gotten windows back and a new, more up to date, capable PC. And just a few things I want to share.

been currently working on a new game, and thought,

'What do I consider my strengths in game-dev and What could i improve on, with this new game?'

So, what are my strengths in game design? The answer is, nothing some stuff.

Based off my last few finished games(Fort Exile, Fighter Valentine) I would grade myself as follows:

(In Game Design)

Gameplay: C-

Sometimes I have a tendency to second-guess myself.. ESPECIALLY at the last minute. And it's always during comps, I panic and start thinking my game is being too lenient to the player.(I'm looking at Fort Exile and Fighter Valentine, but more so Fort Exile with the overly scarce amount of ammo.)

Programming: B-

I can get creative/resourceful with my programming, but when it comes to pure knowledge of GML, I'm still learning

Spriting: B

I'm satisfied with how much I've improved with my spriting over the past few years. Much better than the abominations I've done before.

Animating: D

I'm largely inconsistent with this, and usually too lazy to try animating. I'm working hard on improving, especially on my current project

Sound Design: B

Another thing I'm satisfied with. I love working with sound effects and the small details. If none of you have known, I've done many of the sounds and voices for the monsters in games like Fort Exile.(With some sound editing of course)

Level Design: C-

I think I'm pretty solid at establishing atmoshphere within a level, but other than that, I can improve with how I layout levels. Comp games is where I design levels the worst.

Overall, I'd give myself a C+ in game design, but I'm improving.

Given that this is the first game in a long time that I'm not making for a competition, my current game will be a lot better than my last few entries.

So, what game am I working on, exactly?

Since I lost most of The World's End because of my PC blue screening. I've decided to completely remake the project.

Appropriately named, "The World Anew"(hurr durr, so clever) It'll largely take place in the city of New Haven, on a post apocalyptic earth. But the world won't be your typical brown and grey, mud covered world. The world will be lush, vibrant and colorful.

I've already gotten key story moments written down for this game, as well as a notepad file and a sketchbook full of ideas that I've taken time to think out thoroughly.

Some story details I can give you is that is that it'll feature things like, assassin-like child soldiers, people smuggling weapons and supplies to a ragtag, but slowly evolving group named the Hybrids. No, you won't be fighting small, fuel efficient vehicles. They are a result of cross-species, extraterrestrial mating. So, basically, humans mating with Aliens to make the species live on and in hopes to create a 'master race'.

so yeah, uhh.. Story's kinda fucked up.

The idea behind the game originally started out overly ambitious; I was planning a large, consistent, open world with day/night cycles and leveling. I scrapped that idea, because; what game isn't doing this nowadays? Plus, it'd be much too difficult to make for one person, and the game would be messy.

The game still does have large, explorable areas, but you can only explore the city of New Haven(Which is where the game takes place) with the exception of the secret areas in more linear levels. The game also still transitions between night and day, as you progress throughout the levels.

In terms of gameplay, the only way I can explain it, is that it's vaguely similiar to Bioshock(The original Bioshock) You will get 'Power Gloves', which give you the ability to have abilities like telekinesis, force fields, teleportation and allow you to shoot sentries that will orbit around you and protect you by attacking enemies. But on top of that, you can have melee weapons like swords, glaives and such, plus medkits. The right mouse button will handle all of this. I might edit this blog and have an image showing exactly what I mean.

I wanted the controls to be as simplistic as possible, so the game is easy to pickup, but it'll take some time to master.

I want to focus on gameplay more than anything else in the game. I want the game to be fun and addictive, but also violent, along with some extemely intelligent AI that are very responsive to your actions and their environment.


-if you're hiding in a bush and alert the enemy, they'll flush you out with grenades and such and destroy the bush, by lighting it on fire.

-Or, if you use telekenises to block off entrances. The AI will search for something like a window nearby to destroy and get through that way, or if there is a large enemy, they'll use brute force and break down the door.

And with all this talk of violence, the main character will be affected less and less by all the violence, in subtle ways. More on this soon. All this typing is making me tired.

I've also done a few sprites/pixel 'art' of the game, mostly just conceptual.

This is one of those hybrid guys I was talking about.(See, not a vehicle) :3

This is unfinished, I'm planning on adding some explosions and stuff going on in the background.

She will be one of the main characters in the game. Somewhat of a companion in parts of the game.

Since I'm getting tired(It's 7 AM here), I'm gonna have to cut this blog off abruptly, for now. I'll end it, with a video of me killing jellyfish, blowing stuff up and a tech demo of my lighting engine. Plus me testing out the 'secret areas' thing at 1:40

Yeah, I'm tired, I'll update this blog later today


Charlie Carlo 11 years, 8 months ago

I want to be in it too.

Preferably as a ghost.

Or a goat.

Or both!

JID 11 years, 8 months ago

okay, cool.

i was thinking to do something where 64D users can ask to be in the game as citizens of New Haven, since there will be a form of 'side quests' in the game. But more so just hints of secret locations and special items and more plot-oriented things like rumors.

I was going to save that for another blog, but I suppose i can do something like that now.

I could actually have you as a Goat named charlie in the districts.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 8 months ago

New Haven, Connecticut?

JID 11 years, 8 months ago

You know what's funny, I actually got the city's name based from New Haven Connecticut. :P

edit: and now your avatar is a goat.

nice touch.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 8 months ago

Make me some kind of shady bum, hahaha.

Charlie Carlo 11 years, 8 months ago

I like to rock the Tohmatar when I'm actively working on Credence Filter. I'm not, right now, I just forgot to change it.

JID 11 years, 8 months ago

Quote: Eva
Make me some kind of shady bum, hahaha.
you don't want to be one of those officers/soldiers/whatever that I suggested in my original comment?

At the very beginning of the game, the main character gets arrested. I was planning for you and the others to be the guards that escort him.

Eva unit-01 11 years, 8 months ago

Oh I don't think I read that part. In that case, make me a soldier.

JuurianChi 11 years, 8 months ago

Jiminy Crickets.

That video appear on the Kindle.

Looks good.