Who said DS was better than PSP?

Posted by JMchaos on June 5, 2006, 5:55 p.m.

I remember the day at school when everybody was crazy for the PSP. Hell, i cant say i wasnt crazy for it but I always knew it was never going to be as good as the DS. I mean the DS has about 7 or so 5/5's and PSP has about 4….. wait no 3.

Im not saying PSP is bad, its just that most of the games arent that good.

Also I would like to point out that the new Super Mario Bros. should not have been released, its way too good. I have it and I cant get away from it. Its like a curse, just too much for a human mind to comprehend. Ive never had this much fun since Halo 2.


Fender 18 years, 7 months ago

DS is gonna get an online browser and a 4GB harddrive sometime soon.

Fender 18 years, 7 months ago

Plus the stylus for DS will be so awesome for the internet.

squeakyreaper 18 years, 7 months ago

Utilities… Hm. Thats what an Ipod is for. And mobile DVD players. Larger screen? Well, good for 3D. I admit, PSP has smoother 3D graphics. BUT, I've started to think that DS may be better at that with the new Metroid Hunters game. PSP is just a play station… Thats portable. 'das it. Not really original to any aspect. Nintendo has owned the portible and will stay that way. Nintendo has the portables, play STATION(ary) can keep that TV. Emulators? Its not truly legal to do that, because every emulator site I've ever seen states, clearly, that you must have the game and the console. Dup. Utilities is good for PSP, but I don't like them. Me and my step-dad have PSP vs DS fights alot. I'd have to say,

Its a matter of taste.


~All time critic and naggy wart.

JMchaos 18 years, 7 months ago

I couldnt agree more with Skueakyreaper.

Kaz 18 years, 7 months ago

DS>PSP in games

PSP>DS in hardware

Though the PSP has some really cool games coming out for it, cant say that for the DS(haha metroid prime:hunters wasnt that good).

JMchaos 18 years, 7 months ago

….I actually liked it, the demo SUCKED but the game is good it got a 9/10. on many sites. And the online play is great, I play it with my friends all the time and its fun like hell.

And what about Tetris DS, it also got a 9/10 and what about NEW Super Mario Bros. it rocks.

Kaz 18 years, 7 months ago

So Loco Roco looks cool on the PSP >_>

DesertFox 18 years, 7 months ago

Ah. Ahaha. Ahahahahahahaha. Ha! PSP has some awesome games - GTA:LCS, Wipeout Pure (best racing game ever, especially for a portable system, omg AI is so evil on that game!), Metal Gear, blah…

Kenon 18 years, 7 months ago


Acid 18 years, 7 months ago


Anyway, yeah I agree with squeakyreaper… except that I love my PSP more than a DS. Also soon the psp SHOULD have some new stuff like gps capabilities and an eyetoy and some fun/original games are going to be released like: Loco Roco and Eye Toy PSP.