Gregg progress

Posted by JW on March 17, 2007, 5:40 a.m.

Well, I've been doing some more work on gregg the egg.

First of all, I finished the menu. Added credits and options. You can now disable sound and choose your difficulty. YES, choose your difficulty. There is the normal mode, what you guys all played/should play/are playing, and the brand new HARDCORE mode.

There are 3 changes in hardcore:

1: You have no map.

2: There are no additional hearts to be found. In the place of the hearts are gems.

3: Gregg wears a kickass bandana.

Anyway, I will add the 3 final skills soon, and then release the final beta. I want bugs and feedback then and BOOM I'm going to win the gmg winter compo. :) Suggestions are still welcome, but please hurry with them.


JW 17 years, 10 months ago

No, it only says hardcore when you check the map. I just did that for displaying purposes. :P