My beloved fellow 64digitans, I hereby call on thou duty as 64digitian to support me. the Egg is in cagematch, vote for me kthx. <3LOVE YOU ALLMy beloved fellow 64digitans, I hereby call on thou duty as 64digitian to support me. the Egg is in cagematch, vote for me kthx. <3LOVE YOU ALL
I guess I have to play it now [:)]
Ok, this is going to be a tough choice. LotA or Gregg the Egg. Null vote.
Looks like you're ahead, then. Good luck. (I don't really mind, as having won one round is enough for me for now.)
I voted for you because the other game made my computer laggy.
How dare they tagged you!
I did the same with game devil for same reasonOh, no…you're the other one…
Great. Gregg was good and hard and fun to explore, but LotA was…No…I'm not voting.