Hey peops, some news:
-Check my prev blog. :)-I submitted two small games to 64digits. Oh wait: My queue got emptied. Fuckers. Or whatever happened. <: (-The project in my prev blog is going pretty good.-I have released a pretty fun hotseat game, info will follow now:I don't know if there are people here that are interested in hotseat games, but I made one that is quite a heap of fun. It's crazy, fast-paced, over the top, and over the top, and crazy, and over the top, and explosive. :oDownload I present you:The best 2 player game in the world.Controls:Player 1Enter shootsShift switches weaponsControl JumpsArrows walk/aimDown arrow picks up weaponsPlayer 2G shootsH switches weaponsJ JumpsWASD walk/aimS picks up weaponsExtraSpace spawns weaponsQ can choose map.Every player can carry 2 weapons. You shoot the other player with them. You get points per kill.If you manage to overkill someone, by dealing more then his health+100 damage, he will stay at his place and loose his weapon. You can then execute him. You will get extra points.A MUST PLAY WHEN YOU HAVE FRIENDS.There are over 40 weapons, some examples are:MachinegunNuke launcherRailgunAirstrike frisbeeHoverminesNapalm grenadesLaser fencesHoming missile launcherSome screenies, allthough the graphics aren't why the game is fun. (Tiles only made it lag)HAVE FUN <3AND NO THIS IS NOT A SHORT BLOG. >:(Keep it slordig everybody! :)
Maybe you could add some fun wild country mucis? that would be fun!
I'm ignoring the DLink and asking that you give us a demo(2 on 1Keyboard?Odd…you plan on having Mplay support?)