Changes made today:Grass (woo, it's random!)Chef enemy, he throws knifesSome spritingThe next demo will be out with the release of the poppenkast site, which will be around next friday!More stuff?I'm going to make a little jumper clone in between, for a battle at gmclans. It's about a square pig called hamlet. It is like a fable.Talking birds, and a morale:Hamlet escapes the farm, has to go trough a dangerous meat factory, and finds out the farm isn't that bad after all. Then he goes back. And is sent to the factory.Anyway, smooth platforming and around 30 rooms. I hope.Shouldn't be too hard to make.Keep it slordig!-JW
keep it slordig?
That doesn't knock…Sometimes I wonder why I come here…
Awesome, grass will make it easier to see when you move around, and the Chef enemy should add a lot more challenge.
Make an acidthrower for me! :P
30rooms?I really am a lazy,I guess
Random grass?Don't see the point,I thought the blood worked well enough.Was interesting how it grew from nothing into this giant scape of redHmm, an acidthrower. Perhaps for a boss. :)