AlsoProject Hotseat is a game that I've been working on for quite some time. It is played by 2 players on one computer, with the goal of killing eachother as much as possible.The focus on the game lies on weapons, and so far, it has 50 of them. Ranging from homing rocket launchers and cloaking devices to gravity mines and laser rifles, most of them are over the top. Killing is not hard, so there will not be any situations where one of the players has all the powerfull weapons and the other hasn't got a chance.Everyone can carry two weapons at a time, and switch between those. Also, jumping on your opponent damages him.The focus does not lie on presentations, the graphics are simple, and there are quite some debug controls to play around, and no fancy menus (yet).Instructions:Player 1:wasd moveg shootsh switches to second weaponj jumpsPlayer 2:arrows moveenter shootsshift switches to second weaponcontrol jumpsDEBUG STUFF:q chooses roome gives weaponsr restartst chooses speedspace spawns weaponsf4 goes fullscreenf5/f6 saves/loadsf1 shows this infoescape quitsDemo:02Old Screens:(1)(2)If you've got any friends who like such games, try it out, and I can assure you that you'll have a fun time.
Didn't you promise an elloweener demo for the site's release?
Liar.Oops. Demo tomorrow, I promise. ahem hem
I hope your pants go on fire. After you finish elloweener of course.
Tried it. I don't like working with other people's scripts.
Hehe it's fun!
Then play around with mplay if it makes you feel better.Though I'd highly suggest against that
Though what do you not like about using 39dll,the part of using someone else's work or the part about learning new functions?Hotset would be better online I admit, or at least use the guns for BM
Just out of curiosity, how do you get into Poppenkast?