Also Project Hotseat still lacks fame, if anyone feels like helping me get publicity, that'd be nice.http://hotseat.thepoppenkast.comAdding the weapons is pain. Anyway, so far:NoneWhen the player has no weapon, his only attack is jumping on his opponent. Not that this is bad, it deals quite a bit of damage. Up to 60% of his health will be gone after you press your footprints into his skull.Dual Pistols Dual PistolsAh, the dual pistols. Did you know this actually started out as a single pistol? Since it was incredibly weak, Anyway, now it shoots 2 bullets at a time. Still a weak weapon, but anyhow capable of killing you 2.4 times.Shotgun Shotgunchk chk BOOMNuke Launcher Nuke LauncherThis is where the fun starts. The Nuke Launcher is loaded with two powerful mininukes. Pull the trigger, and create a nice and big explosion.Sniper Rifle Sniper RifleDo not underestimate this simple weapon. One simple bullet can kill anyone. Just aim, wait, and fire. It has a long reload time, so missing might be lethal.Machinegun MachinegunThe machinegun… Well, this is a very basic weapon. There are more exotic variations to prefer, like the laser machinegun, or minigun.Grenade Launcher Grenade LauncherThe grenade launcher, or nader, launches grenades. The grenades bounce around, being tiny and hard to see, and then explode in your face. Might come in handy.Rocket Launcher Rocket LauncherThis funky green weapons comes with three deadly missiles. Nice little explosions and fast kills guaranteed.Mines MinesMines… Once a battle has been going on for some time, the room will probably be packed with many of these. This is the most basic form, drop it on the ground, and walk away. It activates. Walk on it again, and you'll be dead.Chainsaw ChainsawThe chainsaw is a weapon hard to handle. Since the opponent runs at the same speed as you, sawing him might seem hard. So the best way to use this weapon is ambushing, or perhaps using a cloaking device. Once you've got him he's dead meat though.Railgun RailgunThis weapon shoots a deadly beam , and as a bonus it also goes trough walls. The only downside is that it requires some charging time.Swarm Launcher Swarm LauncherIf you don't like aiming this might be perfect for you. The swarm launcher fires a bunch of tiny, swarming rockets. WOOOSH BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM!Rocket Machinegun Rocket MachinegunMuch like the swarm launcher, this weapon fires small missiles, only machinegun style.Jackhammer JackhammerMuch like the shotgun, but with an incredible fire rate.Minigun MinigunHaving trouble aiming? Then the minigun is just the gun for you. It fires 120 bullets per second, so even a baby shouldn't have trouble hitting something with this.Flamethrower FlamethrowerThe flamethrower or flamer is used to enlighten the enemy. It fires loads of flames that can go trough walls. Nasty!Zombie Summoning Zombie SummoningYep, you can actually summon zombies in this game. Unleash three of these hyperactive undead, and watch them explode at contact with anything alive. Yes, they explode.Super Shotgun Super ShotgunThe super shotgun is like a shotgun, only way better. It has such a ridiculously large blast, that not killing anyone with this weapon is considered a sin.Katana KatanaThe katana is a handcrafted japanese sword, sharp enough to instantly slice your opponent in 2, or more parts.Homing Launcher Homing LauncherFor all the aim-lazy people, the homing launcher requires no aiming at all. It launches a missile that automatically moves towards the opponent. Make sure he isn't standing under you though, because the missile doesn't go trough walls. About 47 to go…Oh, and Lmnop made fan art:<3
I think it could get more publicity if it was online
^^ is right; ive never heard of this game…
I am going to download it and play it while I wait for other things like a newer version of elloweener.
<3 the site, especially the superman marquee
<marquee><img src=""></marquee>
<3 the game, especially the OwnBox and Super Shotgun. The players move a little too fast though.
I sent you a PM about this 'more publicity' thing, Project Hotseat, looks like a good game.