Can anyone translate a little bit of czech for me?

Posted by JW on May 8, 2008, 12:25 p.m.


Mat 16 years, 8 months ago

Superpower Ninja Hunter Ancient Civ Editor them subsequent through series her které to zúčastnily species competition server YoYo Games , within níž bylo mainsail aims model while nejnápaditější hru out of surroundings antique civilization. PLUS seeing today recenzovaná sport them tuning within ninja style , spectacle to , how so aromatically size up within zemích within speedways way out. Ninja hunter within version znamená sportsman ninjů , plus nicely as well as that is to say mainsail sticking plaster Superpower Ninja Huntera. Celá sport them here at tuning like netradiční plošinovka , where within manual využíváte under substation sight as well as mouse , plus what not only with shooting , however as well as make for dart lana. What attendant like superlative means of transportation about úrovních , cook up in particular within conjunction with blast jumpier , when jump up plus vystřelíte si underneath shanks , you substantiate serve yea , however yea highly : ). Superpower Ninja Hunter has své perfection in particular under hratelnosti , worse already them what however with technical working. Sport běží on a small scale okně takže not only that nauseously size up , however stations them questionably as well as usage mice qua zaměřovacího arrangement. Altogether now máme while dočinění with highly nadprůměrnou plošinovkou jež substantiate without hang-up sequestrate within sizableness side while.


Castypher 16 years, 8 months ago

What deficient online translator did you use?

Grand-High Gamer 16 years, 8 months ago

I got 7/10.

But then again… who didn't…

Juju 16 years, 8 months ago

This Czech is surprisingly similar to Russian:

Super Ninja Hunter Ancient Civ Edition is the second in the series, which can be found on the YoYo Games website, under the latest competition which has an ancient civilisation theme. Despite this constraint, this game is laden with ninja style, looking like a Far Eastern world. Ninja hunter means a hunter of ninja, which is exactly what you do in Super Ninja Hunter. The game isn't a traditional 2D platformer, not only do you mess around with the keyboard to play, but can also shoot as well as being able to use a grappling hook. This serves as a wonderful way of getting around and in combination with a blast jump, where you shoot downwards, you can go really, really high :-). Super Ninja Hunter is especially playable, second only to commercial games. The game is played in a window, so it doesn't look too distorted, the only problem being that it can lose focus [when the mouse is moved outside of the window and clicked]. Overall, we can see that this is an excellent platformer and will easily distract you for a fairly long time.

Rolf_Soldaat 16 years, 8 months ago

I want mainsail sticking plaster superpowers too.