about my life, poems, a girl etc emo whining

Posted by JW on Feb. 7, 2010, 12:07 p.m.


stop the fucking boring text blogs, make games, post pictures

I don't care about your skateboarding xbox adventure dates with girls that don't like you. And your poetry is bad.



Castypher 15 years ago

Yeah, I saw that. Pretty good representation of YYG, actually.

No offense…wait, um…disregard that comment.

mesenberg 15 years ago

u know, the main things being as they am. we just don't have any young blood here and everyone here is too lazy and dun't use em gamermakin ma dingers anymore. 64 really doesn't have its developer profile anymore.

I personally WOULD have been making plenty of games if Gamemaker wasn't so STUPID and actually worked on my computer… and im to lazy to do anything else, but I just like the community here..

Moikle 15 years ago

we need to advertise the site a little, and email users who have provided adresses and havent used the site since the downtime telling them it has been fixed.

Acid 15 years ago



[x]adventure dates

[ ]girls that dont like you

[ ]poetry

[ ]not getting any