Attack of the deadly mutant fishies

Posted by JaJ on May 18, 2007, 7:39 a.m.

I made a game for a two hour competition and then spent another two hours improving it. Since I don't want to clutter the game database with small four hour minigames, and because I am quite fond of my 8/10 and higher badge, I decided to just show it to you in a blog entry.


It is the year 2050, people have continued polutting the earth. The earth is warming up. There is little space left to live on and soon the entire earth will be one big ocean. Preperations for making the bottom of the oceans livable have been made. There is only one small problem. The toxic waste dumped in to the ocean over the years has caused a large number of mutations among fish species. These mutated fish are extremely dangerous and need to be eliminated.

This is your job.

Use the arrow keys to move.


1. This game has been made in four hours (and fifteen minutes) Don't expect wonders (or anything near that)

2. This game is still difficult.

My personal highscore is 81 points. Let's see if you can do better. :P


This game was made in a two hour competition among the members of poppenkast.


Jaxx 17 years, 9 months ago

wow looks god