Teh Results

Posted by JaJ on April 15, 2006, 5:24 a.m.

Here are the right answers to the quiz of two days ago


April 12, 2006

A True or false

1a . I really think people will take this quiz about me

Yes, I tought Nobody would do the quiz (and nobody else :P)

1. My hair is more then 3 centimetres long


2. I was once kicked by a horse

Nope, never have been near a horse in my life

3. I like spinach better then beans

Yes, beans are gross

4. I play tennis

Nope, have played tabletennis tough

5. I wear glasses (contacts are not glasses)

Yes, I have had contacts but my eyes started aching and stuff so I now have glasses again

6. My favourite drink is beer

I hate beer, I dislike everything with alcohol in it exept the breezers and stuff

7. One of my favourite movies is: "A fish called wanda"

I have a whole lot of favourite movies, this is one of them

8. I hate wind less than rain when I ride my bike

Wind makes me slow down and I hate that. So I hate wind more

9. I have the habit of changing the way I laugh sometimes

Yes. Evil laugh is my favourite so far, but snoring laugh is fun too.

10. I like to hang my feet outside the bed while sleeping

Yeah, especially when its not that cold

B. What has happened to me?

* I once broke a leg

Nope, never have broken anything in my life, except a vase

* I once cried because I had a splinter

Yes, but it wasn't because it hurt or I found it scary, but because I used somthing to get it out that I shouldn't have used… it is a long story

* I once vomitted in the libriary

No, why should I?

* I once was in a fasion show

Yes, another long story

* I once won playing soccer

Ok, you probably think this is sad, but no, never won. (I don't even play soccer :P)

Ok, so there were some friendly battles where I stood still in the field, did nothing and won, but that doesn't really count

* I once scarred my little sister for life

Jep, by accident, with my toenail :P And that is yet another long story

* I once run away from home


* I once farted in church

Yes, I couldn't run out, could I? Nobody noticed it tough

* I once kissed a dead body


* I once got stuck in the toilet seat

I don't think that is even possible

C. Am I for or against:

* Death penalty


* Religion

For (but I'm not religious, it can be a great help for people tough)

* Racism

Against of course

* Infomercials

For, I find them funny :P

I once saw an infomercial about a vacuum cleaner that said "This vacuum is whisper quiet" Then I switched chanels, and there was another vacuum cleaner infomercial: "And can you hear the noise its making, you can hear that it works!!"

* A seperate soccer channel

For, but only so that its not on the normal channels :P

* Oprah

She's cool

* Docter Phill

He looks dumb

* Devorce (when two people are having trouble)


* Nintendo

Nintendo is fantastic

* Age restrictions on video games



ronnoc 18 years, 10 months ago

I happend to get most wright, I am too lazy to wright it down. :P