There are 4 cards on a table. The cards have an image on both sides. This can either be a triangle, square, circle or star.
The first card has a star on the up-sideThe second has a circle on the up-sideThe third a triangleThe fourth a squareSomeone claims that if there is a triangle on the up-side, there is a star on the down side.How many cards do you have to flip over to check this out?Please explain why, since there are only 5 possible answers.
its definately 1 card, the one with the triangle. The one with the star wouldnt work, there might be something ELSE that has a star on the other side. But the statement implies that a card with a triangle will ALWAYS have a star on the other side.
Playing with words making upside downside and what not has no logical effect on the problem.NO WAIT i got it: You dont need to 'flip' any, you can lift the triangle straight up and look underneath to see whats there :PYeah, all you need is a glass table.
Did you make this riddle up yourself?Yep, only one card, the triangle.
The card doesn´t change when you flip it, so Polystyrenes theory is a bit too far tought trough. Also, the person states this while looking at the start situation, when he hasn´t flipped anything yet.We where talking about `logic´ during Mathematics and the teacher brought this problem up.all of them-you cant be sure if theyre tellign the truth