I bought Shadow of the Colossus today. That's a big thing for me, because I never buy video games. In fact, I've bought a grand total of about two this entire year. Anyways, that's a really awesome game. It's got to be one of the most artistic games I've ever played- and climbing those gigantic monsters is just plain awe-inspiring. Anyways, if you haven't played it, it's definitely worth it, unless you don't have a PS2. If you're skeptical that video games can have artistic or even literary value, you should also give it a try.
Anyways, I've been working on a new project for a couple of weeks now. It's far more ambitious than anything I've ever done (it'll be my first full-length game- if I finish it), and it's actually shaping up pretty nicely. It's an adventure exploration type game, set in a castle-type place, sort of like Soldexus, with a whole bunch of mechanical stuff and… yeah, it should be pretty cool. I don't have a demo you can play yet (though I'm hoping to release a fairly lengthy one soon) but I do have these fine screenshots you can stare at.
Yeah, I know. That was on purpose. Ambleek is awesome.
i could never figure out how to play ambleek