Existential Crisis

Posted by Jabberwock on Jan. 2, 2007, 5:51 p.m.

My existential crisis came to a head yesterday when I was working feverishly on a history project that I thought was due today but actually isn't due for two weeks. It had never before struck me with such clarity the hopelessness of human existence, and the fact that no matter how long I live I will always be living in the present, and every preceding moment will be gone forever, and eventually I and everyone else will die. I believe in God, but I can't help feeling this way sometimes.

On a similar note, I learned recently that the Norse believed that the world would end in a soft, steady, suffocating blanket of snow. I think that's very poetic.

In any case, my existential crisis is more or less over, so it's time to spread the joy of a game I made on Christmas Eve. I don't know if I'll submit it because it probably would result in the taking away of my 'all games rated 8/10 or better' badge, but I think it's pretty good anyway.



All in black and white, to go with my recent theme.

Oh yeah, and I'm still not emo, don't worry. I should probably see a doctor or something, though.


TomatoeWorm 18 years, 2 months ago

Cool looking game. I don't have the time to download it, but I will probably in 2 days(lol). Hope everything goes well!