Lately I've been reading The Catcher in the Rye. I really like it; for some reason it makes me feel a little better about life even though it's sort of a depressing book. I guess because I relate well to a lot of the things Holden Caulfield says.
Yesterday I drew a bunch of random stuff for some reason. Here it is:

Yeah, they're pretty small. That should be enough stuff to keep this on the front page, right? I mean, that's what, 5000 words right there? EDIT: and that third one is impossible to see against the bright background. Crap. I have this thing for using way-too-dark colors.
As for GM, I haven't been working on much. I'll probably start on Mekanos again sometime soon, but right now I'm working on a writing project and schoolwork. I'd also like to make something smaller and a little different with a lot of weirdness in it. We'll see how things go.
Nice. :)
Actually, emo music originated as "emotional" hardcore. Dashboard Confessional and such are the exact opposite of what emo is.
Yeah, I know that. I was talking about 'emo' in the sense that Idiot (I mean Natas) was using it.
Nice pictures, though I don't get the one with the red dot.
If it weren't so dark it'd make more sense. Not much sense, but more.