Projectivity IV - Resurrection

Posted by Jabberwock on Jan. 15, 2007, 10:51 a.m.

So yeah, for the past few weeks Mekanos has sort of been gathering dust while I've tried to get an idea for a new project (since I was hoping to enter the new GMG contest). Yesterday, though, I dug it up, and I've started working on it again. I'm working on adding some kind of store system, as well as a couple new powerups. No new areas or enemies yet. That's next up. Here is a depiction of one of the new powerups in action:

In other news, my finals start tomorrow and I am out of Cheerios. Today I plan to work on Mekanos and eat Chex, which are only a very poor substitute for the goodness of Cheerios, but at least you can put milk on them.

Also, I have almost reached my 1337 hit. I don't know why the heck I care about that, really, but whatever. And is it just me, or have the "you have X number of friends" badges started to be more specific?

Good day.


Nighthawk 18 years, 1 month ago

Cool! How do you see who your friends are?

By the way, Mekanos is awesome. :D

n0bel Arts 18 years, 1 month ago

Coming up with an idea for that comp was extremely difficult, I'd already gone through four other stupid ideas but to no success until the idea for the surgery-sim/puz came.

Hmm, those orbs remind me of a spell in The Cleaner

Jabberwock 18 years, 1 month ago

@ N0bel- that's actually where I got the idea. :)