The Time Has Come To Talk Of Many Things

Posted by Jabberwock on Feb. 23, 2007, 5:42 p.m.

Just some random news stuff:

The whole thing with my History teacher turned out okay. My parents smoothed it over, so I got a B+ on all of the work. Which I don't think is entirely fair, since she otherwise would've given me an A on that stuff (since I'm like her favorite student), but I'm not going to complain. She usually isn't even that obliging.

I've got a game in the queue right now. It's nothing new, just something I didn't post here until now. It should be coming up on the front page soon enough. I think it's number 17 at the moment.

If you haven't played Pondwater's newest game (on the EO frontpage), you should. It's really good.

I'm about to get pwned in the cagematch. Ah, well. It was fun while it lasted, and I think Clean Asia! really is a better game than The Wasteland, so I'm not complaining. At least, not about cactus winning. I've still got a bone to pick with Time Wraith for putting me up against that infernal game in the first place.

It seems like every time I've tried to start a new project recently, I've always given up after a day or two. So, once again, I'm going to come back to Mekanos, and see if I can't make some progress on it, and hopefully finish it.



Nighthawk 18 years ago

I voted for the wasteland… Actually, I didn't play Clean Asia! [:P]

frank34443 18 years ago

I dont like clean Aisa that much. Its a good game but you know its just not my style.

Polystyrene Man 18 years ago

since I'm like her favorite student
Not anymore!

I'll admit to voting for Clean Asia! as well.

Jabberwock 18 years ago

No, I still am her favorite. I was prudent enough not to say anything to her while I was still angry. I let my parents handle it all, which was probably a good idea.

Radnom_Games 18 years ago

My History teacher was horrible. Total bitch. Once she attacked a student with a vacuum cleaner and she would often throw pens at students, kinda hard, or slap them on the back of the head.

She would also go off on tangents about completely off topic subjects - for xample we're learning about WW2 and she would go off on a rant about homosexuality. Back when I started the class I asked her to stay on-topic and from then on she hated me.

My parents went in to talk to her at one point about why I got such lousy comments on that one report card (compared to my really good other ones).

In the end I think I was one of her favourite students but she was my most-hated teacher :)

Juju 18 years ago

"The time has come," the Walrus said,

"To talk of many things:

Of shoes and ships and sealing-wax

Of cabbages and kings

And why the sea is boiling hot

And whether pigs have wings."

Jabberwock 18 years ago

Radnom - she's not that kind of evil. It's just that her expectations are totally unreasonable- she assigns absurd amounts of work. If every teacher assigned that much, there'd be no way to do it all. I guess she just thinks her class should take priority over everything else in her students' lives or something. Fat chance.

Graydon 18 years ago

I personally like history because of all the interesting things that you learn. Btw I'm in grade ten next year and am taking a grade 11 history course.

s 18 years ago

of cabbages and kings and why the sun is boiling hot…?

That is what I sort of remember from that,last part has to do with the ocean…

Radnom_Games 18 years ago

Jabberwock - Mine was :P

Plus she was the evil like you said, she would give us tonnes more homework than the other teachers, we had to do it all - and we had to make it look 'pretty' in our books by putting red borders around each page.