
Posted by Jabberwock on March 7, 2007, 12:01 a.m.

Mental state: cheerful.

Physical state: healthy.

Reading: The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck (pg. 151/455)

Listening to: Quiet State of Panic, by Paul Michel

Worked on: school, Mekanos.


Cesque 18 years ago

'twas short. Never read "The Grapes of Wrath" (just "Mice ane Men"), but "the wrath of the grapes" is what they call a hangover. ;)

Good to hear you're cheerful.

mazimadu 18 years ago

I am glad that you are ok.

You are superhuman because you did not get tagged

Jabberwock 18 years ago

No, I didn't get tagged because I didn't put it on the front page. :P

eagly 18 years ago

Congrats on being hired as a game mod. :)

elmernite 18 years ago

Congrats! it's dirty work, but somebody has to do it.


DesertFox 18 years ago


Crane-ium 17 years, 11 months ago

I'm going to read that book next year!

I'm glad you're cheerful and healthy…NOW DIE! *stabs with a knife*