Laundry List

Posted by Jabberwock on March 14, 2007, 6:20 p.m.


You know you go to a slightly unusual school if they over-spend on Pi Day. =D Seriously.


Anyways, unless you've been living under a rock for the past two days, you'll know that I've become a mod. There's really not much to say about this that hasn't been said already. I'm just going to do my job, and I'm not going to listen to any more complaints. Mods have feelings too, you know. =(

On a related note, I like to write reviews, so I'll probably be writing quite a few, since I've got to play the games anyway. If you've got a game that you think is really good (made by you or someone else), than feel free to send a suggestion my way, and I might review it. No guarantees, though.


Anyways, relating to Game Maker, I have still not upgraded to GM7 yet, and I really don't feel much of an inclination to. I'm not being a snob here, I just don't really want to go through the hassle of getting a registration code that may or may not work for an upgrade that, until Vista becomes the norm, I don't really need.

However, I have been working a lot (as much as humanly possible) on Mekanos. It's at a grand total of (I believe) 25 rooms now. I've got three environments and am about to add a fourth, and I've also got a new boss, some new enemies, and a bunch of secrets and stuff. I still have a LONG ways to go, but Spring Break is coming up, and one good aspect of having very little time to work on it is that I've got plenty of motivation to do so. I probably won't be publishing any more demos, though, and only very few screenshots, because I find that giving a lot of information about my projects tends to make me lose motivation.

Probably the next time I blog, though, I'll have a new screenshot, if anyone cares.


LoserHands 17 years, 12 months ago

I think vista is gonna be the norm cuz almost every computer for sale I pass by has vista. My bro has vista, and it goes hella fucking fast, and it looks really nice.

Pobble-Wobble 17 years, 12 months ago

You know you go to a slightly unusual school if they over-spend on Pi Day. =D Seriously.
OMG. Someone else knows the existence of Pi Day?

[SJB]Dude7 17 years, 12 months ago

Pi to one MILLION decimal places lmao:

Wow, now that's how you celebrate Pi Day.

And yes, post screen shots! 8)


EDIT: Made the link a tinyurl so it didn't stretch the layout.

Extravisual 17 years, 12 months ago

3.1415926535897932, all from memory. What is pi day anyway?

frenchcon1 17 years, 12 months ago

*Mods have feelings too, you know. =( *


frenchcon1 17 years, 12 months ago

Try asking for your registration key, while working on your game. When you (finally) get it, then upgrade to GM7.

It's win-win =D

stevo 17 years, 12 months ago

I know no one cares about Pi day.

Xxypher 17 years, 11 months ago

Halo 2 will be able out for vista soon