Jabberwock Confronts the Great Wall of Text

Posted by Jabberwock on April 26, 2007, 5:16 p.m.


Okay. Her' goes.

Is it just me, or shouldn't "music industry" be an oxymoron? I like music. I hate the stupid music industry. I caught the last three minutes of American Idol the other night (I am here using "caught" in the same way people use it when they say they "caught" a severely compromising sexually transmitted disease) because it comes on right before House (which is actually good). And what I saw made me retch. Who ever decided that Justin Timberlake clones crooning their mindlessness into microphones while prancing around onstage could possibly qualify as art? And what's possibly even more disturbing is that people (lots of people) are entertained by this crap. These morons can't (or don't) even write songs, and yet they recieve recognition as artists. Even if they are good at what they do, there's a big difference between being a musician (skilled) and an artist (creative). Creativity in music has always been extremely important to me, and I don't understand why it isn't to everyone else. Don't they realize that without song writers, there are no songs?

And whose idea was it to turn music into an industry? Industry is like where they make cars and stuff. You can't manufacture art. And I've seen greed turn good artists into crappy ones, all because the industry part overwhelms the music. It makes me sick.


No screenshots or anything. I just wanted to say that it's turning out awesome. Like when it's done, you'll all wish I was your friend. Normally I'm a harsh critic of my own work, but this game is turning out pretty awesome. I still have no idea when it'll be finished, though.


I'm not gonna be able to do much moderation for at least a couple weeks. Things are really buckling down at school at the moment- I'm writing a term paper and preparing for an AP test at the moment. I believe it's the same with most, if not all, of the other mods, so just be a little patient if game acceptance is slow for a while.

Thank you and goodbye.


Jabberwock 17 years, 10 months ago

That's what I hate about American Idol and pop music in general. The indie scene is so much more 'real'.

Too true. The only good mainstream artists are the ones who seem immune to the effects of popularity (like Radiohead and The Flaming Lips). That kind of integrity is a rare thing, though. Incidentally, they also seem to be the bands whose record companies, for whatever reason don't expect all that much from them (like frequent album releases or catchy hit singles).

Jabberwock 17 years, 10 months ago

Wait a second. O_O Who's Sir Rez, and how in hell did he get on my favorite users list?!

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 10 months ago

Too true. The only good mainstream artists are the ones who seem immune to the effects of popularity (like Radiohead and The Flaming Lips).
Yeah, but I kind of hope that Radiohead will sign with some record label, because I'm getting tired of waiting for that seventh album. [:P]

HeroofTime55 17 years, 10 months ago

Musicians are artists. These people aren't musicians, they're performers.

Jabberwock 17 years, 10 months ago

Musicians are artists. These people aren't musicians, they're performers.
Yeah, that's basically what I meant. I just chose the wrong word.

Radnom_Games 17 years, 10 months ago

Yey Radiohead. I'm personally currently into alternative and progressive rock and its subgenres, such as metal, and its own subgenres. Pretty much, I like almost any genre which needs at least 3 words to describe it.

poultry 17 years, 10 months ago

ChIkEn should have been a mod instead of me

R 17 years, 10 months ago

Wow, ChIkEn, that was histerical! I'm ROTLF!!!

I really don't care much about the music industry, if it's good, I'll listen to it.

stampede 17 years, 10 months ago

Oh yes, my opinion on "music industry" and Idols and such is so same as yours. They are just making those "idols" to a product. Big music companies are f*cked up…

Fortunately there is still good music out there.