There's Never Enough Time

Posted by Jabberwock on May 5, 2007, 3:39 p.m.

Currently, my time is being eaten up at an alarming rate for a lot of different reasons, among them school, school, projects of my own that have nothing to do with video games, school, and school. That said, you probably won't see much of me for at least the next week or so. Six days from now, though, I will have taken the AP History Test I've been dreading, so I might actually have some time to do stuff, like make a website and finish Mekanos (which is currently gathering cyber-dust on a shelf made of electrons somewhere).

Musack: a few of the bands I like in no real order and for no real reason. Just for fun, you can say '+' if you like them, '-' if you don't, and '?' if you've never heard their music. I promise I won't judge you too harshly if your answers are not to my liking. ; )

1. The Posies

2. The Flaming Lips

3. Built to Spill

4. Pavement

5. Sufjan Stevens

6. The Shins

7. The Postal Service

8. Radiohead

9. Sun Kil Moon

10. The Sugarplastic

11. XTC

12. Sondre Lerche



Polystyrene Man 17 years, 10 months ago

Currently, my time is being eaten up at an alarming rate for a lot of different reasons, among them school, school, projects of my own that have nothing to do with video games, school, and school.
I've got the same situation. Thus, the temporary avatar.

R 17 years, 10 months ago

I've heard of several of those bands, but haven't heard anything from any of them.

Jabberwock 17 years, 10 months ago

@ Polysterine Man- You make me happy. Seriously, you should check out the rest of those bands/artists. Some of them are a little hard to find these days (XTC broke up in like 1999, though they had a pretty illustrious career, starting in I believe the late 70's, and The Sugarplastic blew their only record deal in the early nineties and since then have been producing albums with annoying infrequency), but I think I can say pretty safely that you'd like them. =P

@ Cesque- they're big in America and England, at least. =/

beam 17 years, 10 months ago

1. The Posies (- golden blunders sucked)

2. The Flaming Lips (+ haha they did the intro to that one mtv cartoon)

3. Built to Spill (?)

4. Pavement (+ the only listenable indie)

5. Sufjan Stevens (+ i can't tell you why)

6. The Shins (- good lord no)

7. The Postal Service (- hahaha)

8. Radiohead (+ OK COMPUTER)

9. Sun Kil Moon (?)

10. The Sugarplastic (?)

11. XTC (?)

12. Sondre Lerche (?)

by any chance do you like joy division, dinosaur jr, or any of that?

Jabberwock 17 years, 10 months ago

The Posies (- golden blunders sucked)

Are we thinking of the same The Posies here?

this is who I'm talking about

The Shins (- good lord no)

The Postal Service (- hahaha)
Whazzat supposed to mean? =(

by any chance do you like joy division, dinosaur jr, or any of that?
Never heard any of it.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 10 months ago

4. Pavement (+ the only listenable indie)
My jaw is on the floor. There is so much indie music… to simply brush away thousands of artists in one fell swoop… I'm speechless.

I'll be sure to check out those bands, Jabberwock. :)

Jabberwock 17 years, 10 months ago

If you want to get into XTC, buy their album called Nonsuch or maybe Apple Venus Volume One. They're like something in between The Flaming Lips and Radiohead before there were either of those. So yeah, you'd like them. Their final album (Apple Venus Volume Two) is crap though, sadly.

beam 17 years, 9 months ago

yeah i guess we are, because golden blunders is listed as track 2 on dream all day!

also poly that was supposed to be kind of a joke

Jabberwock 17 years, 9 months ago

Oh, well, it's not on any of their actual albums (unless my memory is failing me) and I don't buy greatest hits compilations.