…but I don't want to talk about that.
In general sorts of news, I have apparently demoted. I guess I don't mind, considering I was (just between me and you and everyone else who reads this entry) not really doing my job. But in my defense, the site was up and down a whole lot… every time I visited it was down, or screwing up, so I sort of stopped visiting. For a while.But I'm not writing this to complain about my sudden, suffocating ordinariness either.…actually, I really don't remember why I was writing this. Possibly it might have had to do with the fact that I have posted some of my cheesy video game songs on the web for all to hear, or not hear if they are so inclined. The link is this:LINK!!!!Visit it, my pretties. Also, if you have any interest in it at all, some of the other pages on the site have been redesigned, or else designed for the first time ever. In other words I did a fairly major update the other day.In other other other news, September 11th (a.k.a. Patriot Day [oh the joy!!!]) really bothers me. I mean, I didn't like it when they flew those planes into those buildings - because I know I wouldn't like it if someone flew planes into my buildings - but do we really need a holiday to remember all that? It's not like people are likely to forget, what with them referencing it on the news every two hours (give or take an hour depending on what channel you watch). And now they're campaigning to get it put in history books. Like for school children. It was six years ago, folks. The only kids who don't remember it aren't old enough yet to where they need to know about stuff like terrorism anyway. And plus they're being constantly reminded, because people won't shut up about it. What bothers me most of all about it, though, is that people treat the folks who died in the towers like heroes. I don't mean to sound callous, but honestly, it doesn't take much chutzpah or moral fiber to die in a burning building. Hell, I could do it.I'd probably feel less inclined to complain about all this if we at least got the day off of school, but we don't. Mr President, that isn't helping matters.I'm done now.
Hello fellow Idahoan.
Every time I see your avatar I think it says "I'ma pokemon."That was besides the point, but about your girl problems…tap that.Thankfully I live in Canada,where 9/11 is only referenced when we watch UStv
Oh,and the news about that war they're doing.History books?Odd,you'd think they'd let it unravel some more before making conclusions.Any documents done right now will be quite bias(Not saying old documents are unbiased,just saying that this is asking for the bias)Well, they sorta know some things about 911. In my history books it only mentions the arabs hijacking planes, no fancy smancy conclusions about which organization did it. My book also mentions flight 93.
9/11 is Patriot's Day. It's been around for a long time, so I don't know how you didn't hear of it? Maybe no one mentions it?
@wazu - I blame the rest of the world for not wanting to be like America. :P
US has a few issues with measuring,like still using the imperialist system instead of the metric.That system is worse than its colonizing strategy counterpart