we are all of us in the gutter

Posted by Jabberwock on Nov. 6, 2007, 5:55 p.m.

there's my favorite roller coaster,

next to the blue water,

the one that only sissies ride.

I think Red House Painters (currently known as <a href=http://www.sunkilmoon.com>Sun Kil Moon</a>) are pretty much my favorite band. Their songs are monumentally long, sparse, slow, and self-indulgent, but I find that somehow I don't really care. They have a song for pretty much any mood I might be in - the vast majority are melancholy, a few sunny, some sad, and some downright frightening. I listen to them nearly incessantly. It's probably bad for my inferiority complex.

I made a short game for a Poppenkast collaboration/collection. It should be coming out soon-like. Nov. 9, I think. It's an Indiana Jones spoof, called Nevada Thompson and the Temple of Scorpions. And I have a couple more arcade game ideas/demos that I'll probably turn into full games before the year is out.

I've been adding more shmup elements to Mekanos, because I'm dissatisfied with the gameplay and I like shmups.

I've been working on writing poems and anecdotes about events in my life, in case I ever get Alzheimer's and forget a bunch of that kind of stuff. I've also been working on putting into words things that can't be put into words. Wish me luck.

I skipped school today. Well, not exactly. I had assignments to finish and sleep to catch up on, and a parent's permission.

Note: the blog title has more to do with my state of mind than anything else. It comes from a quote by Oscar Wilde, that ends with: "but some of us are looking at the stars."

but out here i am distracted

as fire bombs explode

bonfire lamps glow to the crowded road.


shawn 17 years, 4 months ago

I laugh at you because…


melee-master 17 years, 4 months ago

Hahaha, that's a nice rebuke. Anyways Jabber, do not repeatedly listen to a single band for long periods of time. Eventually you will get bored of them, even if you don't think so now. It's happened to me.

Jabberwock 17 years, 4 months ago

Don't worry, I listen to a lot of other stuff too. You've got a point, though.I don't want to get sick of them. Maybe I should listen to something else.

beam 17 years, 4 months ago

jabberwock the poppenkast compilation was a supposed to be a secret, but now that you told i guess i'll show everyone mine too

FireflyX 17 years, 4 months ago

I laugh at you because you're dumb XD