
Posted by Jabberwock on Nov. 16, 2007, 12:18 a.m.


Confession time: I'm xenophobic. And I don't mean I'm afraid of creepy guy who hasn't seen soap, toothpaste or a razor in months and probably hasn't engaged in any act of hygiene in his entire life (though I am afraid of that guy. We all are). I mean like I'm afraid of anyone I pass on the sidewalk, even middle school girls. I kid you not, the first thought that goes through my head whenever I see anyone I don't know is, "can I take this guy/girl?" It's really very distracting, and it gets in the way of more pertinent things, like enjoying the natural beauty of a cookie-cutter neighborhood. And the fact that the answer to that question is usually "no" doesn't help. So if you say "hi" to a guy you don't know, and he suddenly screams and runs away, that guy might have been me.


I'm making a screensaver in GM. It's gonna be awesome. It'll also be customizable. It's a fireworks show sort of thing. It's better than it sounds.

I don't know if I'm entering this big, cash-money prize YoYoGames contest yet or not. For one thing, I don't really like YoYoGames, and the contest's restrictions (no fullscreen? no resolution changing? honestly!) really chafe me. But those cash-money prizes sure are a temptation.

(Yes, I know "cash-money" is not acceptable usage in any language, English least of all. But I think it's funny, and I know my rights.)


I've taken to printing all my school assignments on lined paper. I started because I didn't have any normal paper, and now I can't stop.

I think that will be all. Good day to you, sir. (Or madam, though I think that rather unlikely.)


s 17 years, 3 months ago

I use to be afraid of spiders. I guess having a little tiny one jump after me at 6AM set me off for awhile

I have introvertive reactions to social situations, so I more just cringe up and walk off from people

I'd suggest you take concious efforts to not react. If you can't do that, you've proven that you are closer to being an ape than a human. And after walking by people in a forced fashion repeatedly, the impulses of fear will be forced into dormancy

Though if you actually did happen to get smacked across the face on one of these forced apathies one day…

Jabberwock 17 years, 3 months ago

I don't react, most of the time. It'll provoke them! =O

Cesque 17 years, 3 months ago

It's not like that. I don't mind meeting new people, so long as I know beforehand that they don't want to kill me. =) I'm mostly just afraid of people that I see walking down the street or coming to my door and stuff like that. For some reason my automatic assumption (even though I live in a pretty good neighborhood in a pretty safe town) is that anyone I don't know wishes me harm.

An example: the other day I was out for a walk and I passed this house where there were a couple of guys outside. I averted my eyes and gave them the obligatory half-wave, and then one of them asked me my name and if I lived in the house next door. There could be a lot of reasons to ask this question, of course, but I just said "noidon'tlivehere" and started running as soon as I rounded the corner.


Like shirt buttons, or computer-type buttons (somehow I don't think you'd play many games if it were the latter)?

Shirt buttons. Interestingly, it also depends on their arrangement on the clothing: single-button jeans are fine, jacket buttons are tolerable, regular shirts are much worse, polo shirts are absolutely unbearable. It's also much worse if the buttons are well visible or in a different colour than the clothing.

It took me over 18 years and the Internet to realise that I'm not the only person with koumpounophobia on the planet.