Keywords: Sickness, Music, Games, December

Posted by Jabberwock on Dec. 1, 2007, 5:47 p.m.

Listening to: Red House Painters - Old Ramon

Wilco - Sky Blue Sky

Reading: assorted poems for school.

Playing: nothing.

Watching: The Office, Season 2.

Dreaming: hardly at all.

Ugh. I've been sick for nigh-on two weeks straight here. I think I'm on the way to proper health again, however.

I can't seem to find motivation in me to do much of anything lately, and when I do manage to create something, I generally hate it and destroy it, or else hide it and hope that someday I'll come back to it and like it. Result: I am about as depressed as I have ever been. Bad weather doesn't help, nor does the fact that one of my best friends is moving away in January.

As of late, I haven't done anything in regards to game development. I've had more interest in recording music. Even that is becoming very frustrating, though. I'd like to record a strange, sprawling space/folk/rock/strange-static-noise album, but I can't seem to write any good lyrics (though I have lots of things to write about) and I don't like my melodies very much either. Or my singing, but that's another thing entirely. Still, I shall press on, like a valiant illegal-immigrant-wage-slave, ironing bedsheets in a one-night hotel for a pittance.

And I got a set of black electric guitar strings, for my black electric guitar (well, actually it's not mine, it's my brother's, but since he left it behind when he went to college, that's moot).

What else?

Oh, I guess I should mention: Poppenkast has released a collection of really short games, and I made one of them.

<img src=>

Get it here.

In other news, it is December. I realised today that snow can make even very ugly things beautiful. Long rows of tired houses, narrow, uneven streets, bridges, graffitied buildings. Of course, it's also very cold, and I can't go outside much now. But it's nice to look at, for a few weeks at least.

Tidings of comfort and joy to you.


sk8m8trix 17 years, 3 months ago

They have black strings? Shit!

Anyway, I always get inspiration for writing lyrics, cause I never think about what I'm supposed to be thinking about.

F1u 17 years, 3 months ago

cheer up jabberwock. :]

mazimadu 17 years, 3 months ago

Sorry you have become bored and depressed. But look on the bright side. The year will soon end and another will begin, with all sorts of things to discover. Yo still have your intelligence, so who knows what you might do in due time.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 3 months ago

I've had more interest in recording music. Even that is becoming very frustrating, though. I'd like to record a strange, sprawling space/folk/rock/strange-static-noise album, but I can't seem to write any good lyrics (though I have lots of things to write about) and I don't like my melodies very much either.
That describes me well. (Minus the singing part, because I can't sing to save my life). What I really want to do is create a concept album.

melee-master 17 years, 3 months ago

Nice, it's snowing here too.

Jabberwock 17 years, 3 months ago

What I really want to do is create a concept album.
Yeah, same here. I know exactly the themes I want to deal with, and the sound I want to create. The problem is actually doing those two things (well, writing good songs is a pretty big deal too).

@sk8m8trix - no offense, but your lyrics are not exactly the kind I'm trying to write here. And yes, they make black strings. They look and sound awesome (they're DR strings, which is allegedly the best kind you can buy).

@Influ3enza - that does me absolutely no good. Thanks.

The year will soon end and another will begin
And that's supposed to cheer me up? There's no difference to me between the end of one year and the beginning of the next, except that at the beginning of the next I'm slightly closer to dying. Not to make anyone else depressed or anything.

But I'm not really that kind of depressed. Just sort of frustrated with myself, and how, creatively, I seem to be very ineffective lately.

1000th post, btw.

shawn 17 years, 3 months ago

wut u need is a cookeh

but not really cheer up

s 17 years, 3 months ago

But I'm not really that kind of depressed. Just sort of frustrated with myself, and how, creatively, I seem to be very ineffective lately.
K, now I can relate. I don't get effected by things that happen to me. Just random dispositions. I recently went through some phase where I couldn't think up any ideas or anything. All you need to do is get inspired. For me I did that by randomly watching a bunch of video games on Ytube, but overall you just need to sit back, think it over and do something

mccow28 17 years, 3 months ago

"I'd like to record a strange, sprawling space/folk/rock/strange-static-noise album, but I can't seem to write any good lyrics (though I have lots of things to write about) and I don't like my melodies very much either."

Okay, this is intense. I'd like you to make it too. :D Could always try to make the lyrics like the music, strange and dissonant. Maybe I'm oversimplifying.

Jabberwock 17 years, 3 months ago

Well, dissonance is certainly a pretty significant aspect of my music. :P I'll take your advice into consideration. I think I sort of know what I want my lyrics to be like and about, I just have trouble actually writing them. I dunno.