What News?

Posted by Jabberwock on Jan. 29, 2008, 6:02 p.m.

It's a good thing the American school system doesn't have the work ethic of our Post Office. All that to say that snow and sleet and hail are responsible for me having a very nice week so far.

I think it's about 2 to 2.5 feet (in meters, that's like… what, 0.6 to 0.75?) depending on where you stand. This is the worst snowstorm we've had in our little patch of godforsaken wilderness (known to the layman as "Idaho") in twelve years.

News On Things You Should Actually Care About

Nothing to report. Unless you count the state of the union address.

Creative Things

I've been writing some songs that I actually like, and recording pieces of them. You can't hear any of them, though.

I haven't really worked on anything GM related in about a month. I just don't feel very interested in it these days. I dunno; I still like the idea of making games, and I have some projects that I want to finish and some ideas I want to flesh out, but I think I might be on my way out. I don't have that much free time these days anyway. Maybe my interest in it will come back, in time. Who knows. I hope so, but oddly enough I'm not really in control of that.


I've been very frustrated with my fellow man lately (I almost shudder to call some of them that). People seem so very quick to accept mediocrity, to seek acceptance, to be like everyone else. There are so few people I know who are worth spending time with, and half of them are related to me. It's depressing.

Also, I was disturbed to learn, recently, that television viewership has been virtually unaffected by the writers' strike. I knew people were undiscerning, but is it so bad that they don't even care if their television is scripted or not? Maybe I'm an anomaly, but I don't find reality shows even interesting at all.

So it turns out that the best thing you can do to help the strike end is turn off your TV.

Happy January 29th, everybody.

Oh, also, my favorite band (Sun Kil Moon) is releasing a new album in April, called April.


elmernite 17 years, 1 month ago

What I would give for that much snow!


s 17 years, 1 month ago

I have a similar relationship with my sister, who I get to see again soon. I think people just have to learn to accept their siblings for who they are to get along. Then again, I never have had a longterm contact with my sister since we don't share a father

Anyways, do share any doings of GM you do happen to get at one point or another. Or no point, those creations are nice too

[deleted user] 17 years, 1 month ago

Hmm, very true. I found myself disliking a lot of my 'fellow people' lately, though that's mainly because I consider them extremely annoying. Unlike you, though, my small group of friends worth spending time with doesn't include anyone from my family :P
More-or-less the same here, but I tend to act friendly to most people, even though I might hate their guts. The people I would like to spend more time with seem to be good friends with both me and people I hate, so I just put up with people, I guess.

I don't watch TV much any more, and even if I do, it's only in passing. There are no good shows on with or without writers.

Polystyrene Man 17 years, 1 month ago

Buy their first album, Ghosts of the Great Highway.
Will do. Now I have to find some money…

I seem to be one of very few people in the world who really has a whole lot in common with my siblings. I mean, when we were little kids, no one else really seemed to exist for us. Maybe I've been damaged psychologically by that, with the result that I have trouble forming proper friendships with anyone I haven't already known my whole life. I dunno. But I wouldn't go back and change it. My brothers are the smartest, most creative, and most interesting people I know. I even like my parents. Weird, I guess.
Oh yeah, I don't want to give the wrong impression. I get along fine with my parents and siblings, we just don't share any common interests.

Uh, also, there is no reasonable excuse for not posting music. Sorry.

And unlike your relatives, we're not required to analyze your music (or rather, give unconditional praise). If we don't like it we'll just ignore it. =)

Jabberwock 17 years, 1 month ago

Oh, well that's even better.

My two older brothers are some of the only people I've ever met with whom I share basically every interest. We're all songwriters (both of them better than me and distinctly more prolific), we all have scarily similar senses of humour and taste, we're all very attached to Super Smash Brothers for Nintendo 64 and various Mario and Donkey Kong Country games for Super Nintendo. It's all very nice, except that both of them are away at college while I'm stuck in a high school with few people I like much. (I'm sure a normal school would be even worse, though, as this is a small one [still public, though] for kids of a slightly higher caliber.)

Uh, also, there is no reasonable excuse for not posting music. Sorry.

What makes you say that? What if I want to keep it hidden until it's exactly how I want it?

s 17 years, 1 month ago

What if we want to see the transition of the development towards it becoming what you want it to be, though?

Alert Games 17 years ago

people live in idaho?

im glad to learn that viewership was unaffected. that just means that the writers should get their jobs back before new ones come and take their place for the original salary.