I don't like Valentine's Day. Whose idea was it to create a day for synthetic love, bought with cheap aphrodesiacs? Not mine.
Other than that, I'm okay. Thanks to Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, two of history's coolest cats, I have today off of school. I recorded a couple of songs this past week. I also bought an album by one of the new best bands I've ever heard:
www.midlake.comStill not working on any games. I've been tinkering a little bit with a sort of fireworks show thing that I started a while ago. I'd like to turn it into a customizable screensaver type thing, but the coding involved in that is much, much more intensive than anything I've ever done, and I'm becoming lazier and lazier.
Happy February 18, everyone.
Bodily state: tired, but okay.
Mental state: a little depressed. Lots of homework still to do doesn't help.
The Brothers Karamozov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Listening to: Midlake -
The Trials of Van OccupantherNick Drake -
Pink MoonSufjan Stevens -
MichiganPlaying: Star Wars: Episode I: Racer (N64). One of my favorite games ever. I also happen to be awesome at it; it's the one game my older brother can't beat me at regularly.
The West Wing, Season 1
Seinfeld, Seasons 1 & 2
Dreaming: not lately.
I listened to some Midlake. They're really good, especially for pop. Most modern pop is horrible.
Now now, being lazy simply piles up. Stop acting lazy and you'll stop being lazy
Sufjan kicks ass.
Ha, I got a WEEK off.
No, that's thanks to the great state of Maine's slacker school system. :P
@twister - yeah, he does.Hast thou returned, Jabberwock?
"Oh frabjous day, calooh, callay!"
he chortled in his joy.