Happy March 14

Posted by Jabberwock on March 14, 2008, 9:33 p.m.

Day of everyone's favorite irrational number! (For those of you who are confused, it's that one that starts out 3.14159 and continues for a ways.)


Bodily state: very much in need of sleep.

Mental state: cheerful. I have a reason or two to believe that a girl I like likes me, which is better than most days.

Reading: The Good Soldier, by Ford Madox Ford (don't you wish that were your name?)

Listening to: Radiohead - In Rainbows (lots of times, because it's beautiful and because I don't have the money to buy any new CDs)

Playing: Super Smash Brothers, the N64 one, on a daily basis because my brother's here on spring break. Ness rules the roost. Yoshi is okay too.

Watching: The West Wing, Season 2

Planet Earth (hands down the greatest nature documentary series I have ever seen. It is unequivocally beautiful, and it amazes me and impresses me with the vast complexity and subtlety of our tiny corner of the universe at least a few times an episode.)

Also, The Simpsons, Season 4 (behind the curve, I know)

Dreaming: I dreamed that I was in the passenger's seat of a car driving up a harrowingly steep and fearfully icy road, and it went off the road, and somehow I lost a foot, but for some reason it was painless and I didn't feel afraid. I didn't even wake up.


That's about all there is to say. Celebrate the date by finding a circle near you and admiring it.


Jabberwock 16 years, 9 months ago

Not sure if I've mentioned this to you yet, but do you have the second disc? Because there are some songs on there that are incredible- most notably, "Last Flowers."
I've heard that song (it's very good), but I don't have the second disc. It's only available if you get the discbox, correct? I bought the poor man's version. My brother has the discbox, though, so I'll probably get to hear the second disc sometime.

@Leyenda - nice.

s 16 years, 9 months ago

The head in your avatar is like a circle. But I don't know why people would admire something that threats to puke upon them