Happy April 10th

Posted by Jabberwock on April 10, 2008, 5:54 p.m.

I realize I have not been what one would call "active" lately. That probably will not change. But then again, it might. I have projects I'd like to finish, but my interest in Game Maker, sadly, is dwindling, as is time to spend using it. I want to finish Mekanos, but the amount of work left to do seems staggering. And I have a few small projects that I could finish, except I've sort of hit walls in all of them.

I have, however, been hard at work on becoming more awesome in several areas. My singing might now be referred to as "passable," and my guitaristry as "slightly more than passable." My songcraft is improving, slowly but surely, as well. I haven't been recording things, though, just writing them. I guess I might have a random, not-serious song or two that I can put up for people to listen to.

Lessee… I also entered two stories in a local writing contest, and I think I am going to win with at least one of them, because I got second last year and these stories are 30 times as good. Well… one of them is 30 times as good. The other is only 28 times as good.

That's really all (do you wonder why I haven't been blogging?). Have a wonderful day and a wonderful life.


Bodily state: quite well.

Mental state: teetering somewhere between optimistic and angry at the whole universe in general. Also, in love.

Reading: Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. And some T. S. Eliot, I guess.

Listening to: lots of Sparklehorse; Good Morning Spider and Dreamt For Light Years In The Belly Of A Mountain

Playing: I haven't thought about video games much in a while, to tell you the truth.

Watching: The West Wing, Season 3

Dreaming: not that I know of.

PS: check out www.explodingdog.com .

Beef up blog with picture of seahorse:


Extravisual 16 years, 11 months ago

That seahorse is terribly sexy.

Jabberwock 16 years, 11 months ago

Yeah… y'know, I almost wish I was a seahorse, except that male seahorses are the ones who have to carry the eggs. :(

For all we know, this picture could be the seahorse equivalent of porn. Actually, that's true of any animal picture.

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 11 months ago

You should definitely consider showing us those stories! And the music would be nice as well, but it's understandable if you feel uncomfortable showing that off. (Especially if you've heard stampede sing- that might discourage you).

I guess I might have a random, not-serious song or two that I can put up for people to listen to.
That's basically what I did with "There's an Elephant in the Butter Room." My singing makes any serious song just sound corny.

Playing: I haven't thought about video games much in a while, to tell you the truth.
Ah, that's been me for at least 7 years.

stampede 16 years, 11 months ago

Haha, good site!

s 16 years, 11 months ago

I don't think that picture would be the equivalent of porn. Those art pieces of naked people or when they show people who just live without clothes, those aren't porn. Porn would be a couple sea horses having some fun together

I stopped playing console games once I got into GM

Oh, and as for the stories, http://fiction.wikia.com