- April 29 -
Bodily state: sick, but not too sick.Mental state: nearly euphoric.Reading: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. An incredible book, if books are your thing.Listening to: IN RAINBOWS IN RAINBOWS IN RAINBOWS…and Simon and Garfunkel. With a side of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.Playing: IN RAINBOWSWatching: IN RAINBOWSDreaming: IN RAINBOWS (no, not really.)I have just discovered that apparently there was some brilliance hiding in IN RAINBOWS that I never noticed before. Quite a bit of it, actually. And on top of the brilliance that I did notice… well, it's a lot of brilliance.- Song -So I've been going on and on (and possibly even on) about writing songs, without ever posting one. So now, I am posting one. It is far from serious, and it is a little old, like six months old. My singing is much better now (or would be if I weren't sick) as are my guitaristry and my production skill. But I like it anyhow. Maybe give it a listen. And maybe tell me what you think.Robots Are Taking ControlLyrics:robots are taking control of the space station tonight.they're leaving nobody alive because that's the way that robots take control of things.I was going to also post a story I wrote, but the resulting wall-o-text was so massive and frightening as to discourage me. Maybe next time.

Nice to see you again. In Rainbows is pretty good, yeah. :D Downloading your song now.
Hey, that song is pretty good, hehe. I liked the robotic backing vocals and the sound of the guitar suited the song very well. Good job!I'm walking on rainbows, ooh ooh ooh!
(Yes, I know it's sunshine)Because all text and no images make this a dull comment
Because all text and no images make this a dull commentBecause all text and no images make this a dull commentToo many rainbows with jolly beans?Also, may I ask, did you choose this piece of robitically altered music for the screening it puts on the voice?Nice way of mixing tech and notastech. I didn't realize how much it decays until it looped, always nice how relistening can make one notice such new things of a pieceBecause all text and no images make this a dull commentBecause all text and no images make this a dull commentBecause all text and no images make this a dull commentThe recording was supposed to sound like crap - at the time, I was missing a lot of my recording equipment (well, I say that because it wasn't really mine, and because my brother took it when he went to college). So, like all I had was an electric guitar and a green plastic toy amplifier. And, of course, some vocal effects.
I'm glad you guys like it. Maybe this is the motivation I need to record new songs… except that my voice is totally gone due to the cold I have right now.Read the whole book of The Things They Carried if you get a chance, BTW. It's all very good, and the last thirty pages or so are just brilliant.
I've been listening to In Rainbows quite a bit, though there are a few songs on there I have a very hard time liking.
That used to be the case with me, as well, but I like them all now. Not quite equally, but pretty close - I think the main part of Bodysnatchers isn't that great (not compared to the rest of the album, anyways), but the bridge is damn brilliant. And I felt Arpeggi was subpar until today, when I realized just how brilliant all that guitar work is. House Of Cards is probably my least favorite song, but I still like it.