I Wrote A Song & Happy April 29th

Posted by Jabberwock on April 29, 2008, 1:09 p.m.

- April 29 -

Bodily state: sick, but not too sick.

Mental state: nearly euphoric.

Reading: The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. An incredible book, if books are your thing.


…and Simon and Garfunkel. With a side of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.



Dreaming: IN RAINBOWS (no, not really.)

I have just discovered that apparently there was some brilliance hiding in IN RAINBOWS that I never noticed before. Quite a bit of it, actually. And on top of the brilliance that I did notice… well, it's a lot of brilliance.

- Song -

So I've been going on and on (and possibly even on) about writing songs, without ever posting one. So now, I am posting one. It is far from serious, and it is a little old, like six months old. My singing is much better now (or would be if I weren't sick) as are my guitaristry and my production skill. But I like it anyhow. Maybe give it a listen. And maybe tell me what you think.

Robots Are Taking Control


robots are taking control of the space station tonight.

they're leaving nobody alive because that's the way that robots take control of things.

I was going to also post a story I wrote, but the resulting wall-o-text was so massive and frightening as to discourage me. Maybe next time.

Because all text and no images make this a dull blog. Good day.


eagly 16 years, 10 months ago

Nice to see you again. In Rainbows is pretty good, yeah. :D Downloading your song now.

Hey, that song is pretty good, hehe. I liked the robotic backing vocals and the sound of the guitar suited the song very well. Good job!

PY 16 years, 10 months ago

I'm walking on rainbows, ooh ooh ooh!

(Yes, I know it's sunshine)

s 16 years, 10 months ago

Because all text and no images make this a dull comment

Because all text and no images make this a dull comment

Because all text and no images make this a dull comment

Too many rainbows with jolly beans?

Also, may I ask, did you choose this piece of robitically altered music for the screening it puts on the voice?

Nice way of mixing tech and notastech. I didn't realize how much it decays until it looped, always nice how relistening can make one notice such new things of a piece

Because all text and no images make this a dull comment

Because all text and no images make this a dull comment

Because all text and no images make this a dull comment

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 10 months ago

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. An incredible book, if books are your thing.
We read a portion of that in my AP English class. It's pretty cool how he gives the weight of everything he describes. I like the style.

In Rainbows! I've forbidden myself to listen to Radiohead for the next few months. Then, a couple weeks before the concert, I'll binge on their music and explode when I finally arrive in Massachusetts to see them :)

The song sounds like a good song structurally speaking, it just needs some better recording. I also think a little TR808 action would fit perfectly and maybe some more robot effects here and there. You should also bring out the guitar a bit more, the vocals were too loud by comparison. And post the lyrics!

Ah, so glad you finally uploaded some music.

Jabberwock 16 years, 10 months ago

The recording was supposed to sound like crap - at the time, I was missing a lot of my recording equipment (well, I say that because it wasn't really mine, and because my brother took it when he went to college). So, like all I had was an electric guitar and a green plastic toy amplifier. And, of course, some vocal effects.

I'm glad you guys like it. Maybe this is the motivation I need to record new songs… except that my voice is totally gone due to the cold I have right now.

Jabberwock 16 years, 10 months ago

Read the whole book of The Things They Carried if you get a chance, BTW. It's all very good, and the last thirty pages or so are just brilliant.

OBELISK 16 years, 10 months ago

I've been listening to In Rainbows quite a bit, though there are a few songs on there I have a very hard time liking.

Jabberwock 16 years, 10 months ago

That used to be the case with me, as well, but I like them all now. Not quite equally, but pretty close - I think the main part of Bodysnatchers isn't that great (not compared to the rest of the album, anyways), but the bridge is damn brilliant. And I felt Arpeggi was subpar until today, when I realized just how brilliant all that guitar work is. House Of Cards is probably my least favorite song, but I still like it.

R 16 years, 10 months ago

The recording was supposed to sound like crap
Good man.