Music, Twitter, Life

Posted by Jabberwock on Sept. 11, 2013, 4:22 p.m.

So my last two posts were all about my music, but I guess I wasn't quite finished.

This is the first full-length album of my folk music project. It's about some things I went through, mostly a couple of years ago, though some of it's the kind of stuff that doesn't really end. If you are into lyric-centered acoustic music with shouting and tape hiss and wow and flutter, you might like it.

Stream/download it for free here:

Also, are any of you guys on Twitter? I don't really do much in the way of social media, but I've kind of warmed up to Twitter because it's a lot less invasive of people's privacy and can kind of be whatever you want it to be. So I'm there; you can follow me if there aren't enough links and bad jokes on your feed already:

I'm also playing my first-ever chiptune show in Austin, TX tomorrow night. And by "playing" I mean something more like "pushing play." Chiptune shows are kind of weird like that. Hopefully it won't be a total bust, though. I'm assuming none of you live anywhere nearby, but if anyone does and wants to come, let me know.

Also, I'm starting a software QA job next week. So that's a thing. I have some loans to pay off and grad school to potentially prepare for, so… yeah. Here's to hoping the adult world isn't as bad as it sounds. Do any of you work "in industry," as they say? I figure I can't be the only person here who accidentally grew up sometime in the last five years.


Jabberwock 11 years, 5 months ago

Here's a recording of the set I played:

All in all, it was a learning experience. Mostly I learned that you shouldn't adjust your mix just because everything sounds terrible in the monitors. But even though I'm not satisfied with the set, it was an interesting experience and I met a lot of nice people.

That paragraph sounds like an excerpt from an essay about what I did on my summer vacation, but it more or less sums up my feelings.

Jabberwock 11 years, 5 months ago

Which Tangerine Dream live album? I have Ricochet, which I think is supposed to be a live album, and that one's pretty cool. Anyway, I'm not satisfied enough with it to post it as a release - probably more because I know what I was going for and it didn't quite work out than because it's an objectively terrible set - but I reposted it on my Soundcloud so hopefully some people will hear it that way.

eagly 11 years, 5 months ago

I'm working as a software developer at the moment. Mainly working with Zen Cart and Magento in PHP and doing some stuff in C#. I've gone straight from uni into it, so feel like I kind of jumped into being an adult! It's tiring and I have about an hour and a half commute each way, but it's a stable job, which seems to be a hard thing to come by at the moment. I was very lucky to get one so soon after I finished!

I need to have a cull of who I follow on Twitter. My feed is bloated with news stories I don't care about and rubbish from people who don't interest me. You will be added, though. :D

Jabberwock 11 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, it's easy for a Twitter feed to become something you don't want it to. I too have a really long commute - because of traffic rather than distance, so it can take anywhere from ~30 minutes (on very rare occasions) to ~90 minutes each way. It's usually about an hour though, so it could be worse. And the job itself is pretty good; challenging but not too stressful, and the hours are reasonable. But yeah, full-time work is very tiring. It's hard to find the energy to work on personal projects at the end of the day.

Jabberwock 11 years, 5 months ago

I just released a single with a couple more folk songs on it: