Reseting the Game #64DSC

Posted by Jawchewa on April 14, 2014, 10:16 p.m.

So, it looks like I'm probably starting over. This weekend, I had the unpleasant experience of having my hard drive fried for no apparent reason. Most of my stuff was backed up, except for most of my game data and some assorted word documents. The only thing I have left of my competition entry is this build I posted a week or so ago here.

This means that I will either try and remake what I already had, or start over with a new idea. I'm temporarily using an old version of Linux on a 16 gigabyte flash drive, so I don't have all the tools and resources that I'm used to. I'll try and make the best game I can with the remaining time, if I can get it to work. I'll try to post something here when I get something done, but I've kind of lost some of my motivation. Also, take my advice, and go back up your games. Good luck everyone!


evillair 10 years, 10 months ago

That really sucks!

I had that happen a few times, so now I use bitbucket.

Good luck and try to keep going!